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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Laland, K. N.; van Bergen, Y Experimental studies of innovation in the guppy 2003 Animal Innovation 6537 155-174 details   openurl
Reader, S. M.; Laland, K.N. Animal Innovation 2003 6531 details   openurl
Galef, B.G.; Laland, K.N. Social Learning in Animals: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Models 2005 BioScience 6398 55 489-499 details   doi
Reader, S.M.; Laland, K.N. Animal Innovation 2009 6381 details   isbn
Hoppitt, W.; Laland, K.N. Social processes influencing learning in animals: a review of the evidence 2008 Adv Study Behav 6260 38 105-165 details   doi
Webster, M.M.; Laland, K.N. Social learning strategies and predation risk: minnows copy only when using private information would be costly 2008 Proc Biol Sci 6196 275 2869-2876 details   doi
Whalen, A.; Cownden, D.; Laland, K. The learning of action sequences through social transmission 2015 Animal Cognition 6192 18 1093-1103 details   doi
Reader, S.M.; Kendal, J.R.; Laland, K.N. Social learning of foraging sites and escape routes in wild Trinidadian guppies 2003 Animal Behaviour 6163 66 729-739 details   doi
Boogert, N.J.; Reader, S.M.; Hoppitt, W.; Laland, K.N. The origin and spread of innovations in starlings 2008 Animal Behaviour 6036 75 1509-1518 details   doi
Day, R.L.; Coe, R.L.; Kendal, J.R.; Laland, K.N. Neophilia, innovation and social learning: a study of intergeneric differences in callitrichid monkeys 2003 Animal Behaviour 6035 65 559-571 details   doi
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