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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Adachi, I.; Kuwahata, H.; Fujita, K. Dogs recall their owner's face upon hearing the owner's voice 2007 Animal Cognition 4222 10 17-21 details   doi
Anderson, J.R.; Kuroshima, H.; Kuwahata, H.; Fujita, K. Do squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) predict that looking leads to touching? 2004 Animal Cognition 2540 7 185-192 details   doi
Anderson, J.R.; Kuwahata, H.; Fujita, K. Gaze alternation during “pointing” by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)? 2007 Animal Cognition 2424 10 267-271 details   doi
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