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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Krueger, K.; Gruentjens, T.; Hempel, E. Wolf contact in horses at permanent pasture in Germany 2023 Plos One 6708 18 e0289767 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Trager, L.; Farmer, K.; Byrne, R. Tool Use in Horses 2022 Animals 6695 12 1876 details   doi
Marr, I.; Stefanski, V.; Krueger, K Lateralität – ein Indikator für das Tierwohl?[Laterality – an animal welfare indicator?] 2022 Der Praktische Tierarzt 6692 103 1246-12757 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Schwarz, S.; Marr, I.; Farmer, K. Laterality in Horse Training: Psychological and Physical Balance and Coordination and Strength Rather Than Straightness 2022 Animals 6670 12 1042 details   doi
Voigtlaender-Schnabel, S.; Vogel, L.; Greiner, B.; Wiezorek, S.; Schuette, P.; Solmsen, E.-H.; Martin; H.; Hempel, E.; Gruentjens, T.; Bathen, M.; Herold, P.; Krueger, K. Reactions of horses to wildlife and livestock guarding dogs 2022 Carnivore Damage Prevention News 6668 24 49-58 details   openurl
Schwarz, S.; Marr, I.; Farmer, K.; Graf, K.; Stefanski, V.; Krueger, K. Does Carrying a Rider Change Motor and Sensory Laterality in Horses? 2022 Animals 6667 12 992 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Esch, L.; Byrne, R. Need or opportunity? A study of innovations in equids 2021 Plos One 6653 16 e0257730 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Esch, L.; Farmer, K.; Marr, I. Basic Needs in Horses?--A Literature Review 2021 Animals 6645 11 1798 details   doi
Marr, I.; Preisler, V.; Farmer, K.; Stefanski, V.; Krueger, K. Non-invasive stress evaluation in domestic horses (Equus caballus): impact of housing conditions on sensory laterality and immunoglobulin A 2020 Royal Society Open Science 6608 7 191994 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Marr, I.; Dobler, A.; Palme, R. Preservation of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites and immunoglobulin A through silica gel drying for field studies in horses 2019 Conservation Physiology 6594 7 details   doi
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