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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Klingel, H. Observations on social organization and behaviour of African and Asiatic Wild Asses (Equus africanus and Equus hemionus) 1998 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6173 60 103-113 details   doi
Schulte, N.; Klingel, H. Herd Structure, Leadership, Dominance and Site Attachment of the Camel, Camelus Dromedarius 1991 Behaviour 4683 118 103-114 details   doi
Klingel, H. Social organization and reproduction in equids 1975 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement 2303 7-11 details   openurl
Klingel, H. Sozial Organisation und Verhaltensweisen von Hartmann- und Bergzebras (Equus zebra hartmannae und E. z. zebra). 1968 Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 2163 25 76-88 details   doi
Klingel, H. Zur Sozialstruktur des Steppenzebras, Equus quagga boehmi Matschie. 1964 Die Naturwissenschaften 2161 51 347 details   doi
Klingel, H. Social organization of feral horses 1982 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement 1958 32 89-95 details   openurl
Klingel, H. Soziale Organisation und Verhalten freilebender Steppenzebras (Equus quagga) 1967 Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 1289 24 580-624 details   doi
Klingel, H. Odd-toed Ungulates, Horses 1989 Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals 1320 4 550+557-594 details   openurl
Klingel, H. Kalameili – future home of the Przewalski horse? 1990 Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski Horse, Leipzig 1323 221-224 details   openurl
Klingel, H. Tausend Zebras im Computer 1991 Das Tier 1322 10 8-16 details   openurl
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