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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Turner, J.W. Changes in herd stallions among feral horse bands and the absence of forced copulation and induced abortion 1991 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2327 29 217-219 details   doi
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Turner, J.W. Jr Comparative reproductive biology of North American feral horses 1986 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2326 6 224-230 details   url
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Vail, R.; Devous, S.; Schwend, S.; Baker, C.B.; Wiesner, L. Diurnal variation of plasma testosterone in wild stallions 1976 Biology of reproduction 149 15 98-101 details   openurl
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Wiesner, L.; Kenney, R.M.; Ganjam, V.K.; Turner, J.W. Seasonal variation in plasma androgens and testosterone in the North American wild horse 1977 The Journal of endocrinology 148 72 237-238 details   openurl
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Shldeler, S.E.; Lasley, B.L.; Turner, J.W.J. Pregnancy determination in uncaptured feral horses by means of fecal steroid conjugates 1991 Theriogenology 146 35 753-760 details   openurl
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Liu, I.M.; Turner, J.W.J.; Naugle, R.; Keiper, R. Long-term effects of porcine zonae pellucidae immunocontraception on ovarian function in feral horses (Equus caballus) 1992 Journal of reproduction and fertility 145 94 437-444 details   openurl
Turner, J.W.J.; Liu, I.K.; Kirkpatrick, J.F. Remotely delivered immunocontraception in free-roaming feral burros (Equus asinus) 1996 Journal of reproduction and fertility 144 107 31-35 details   openurl
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Turner, J.W.J.; Liu, I.K.; Fayrer-Hosken, R.; Rutberg, A.T. Case studies in wildlife immunocontraception: wild and feral equids and white-tailed deer 1997 Reproduction, fertility, and development 143 9 105-110 details   openurl
Turner, A.; Kirkpatrick, J.F. Effects of immunocontraception on population, longevity and body condition in wild mares (Equus caballus) 2002 Reproduction (Cambridge, England) Supplement 142 60 187-195 details   openurl
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Turner, A. Reversibility of action and safety during pregnancy of immunization against porcine zona pellucida in wild mares (Equus caballus) 2002 Reproduction (Cambridge, England) Supplement 141 60 197-202 details   openurl
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