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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
de Waal, F.B.; Aureli, F.; Judge, P.G. Coping with crowding 2000 Scientific American 184 282 76-81 details   openurl
Judge, P.G.; de Waal, F.B. Intergroup grooming relations between alpha females in a population of free-ranging rhesus macaques 1994 Folia primatologica; international journal of primatology 208 63 63-70 details   openurl
Judge, P.G.; de Waal, F.B.; Paul, K.S.; Gordon, T.P. Removal of a trauma-inflicting alpha matriline from a group of rhesus macaques to control severe wounding 1994 Laboratory animal science 207 44 344-350 details   openurl
Judge, P.G.; Mullen, S.H. Quadratic postconflict affiliation among bystanders in a hamadryas baboon group 2005 Animal Behaviour. 402 69 1345-1355 details   doi
Judge, P.G.; De Waa,l F.B.M. Rhesus monkey behaviour under diverse population densities: coping with long-term crowding 1997 Animal Behaviour. 199 54 643-662 details   doi
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