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Biegler, R.; McGregor, A.; Krebs, J.R.; Healy, S.D. A larger hippocampus is associated with longer-lasting spatial memory 2001 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4743 98 6941-6944 details   doi
Hampton, R.R.; Healy, S.D.; Shettleworth, S.J.; Kamil, A.C. Neuroecologists' are not made of straw 2002 Trends in Cognitive Sciences 371 6 6-7 details   doi
Healy, S.D.; Braham, S.R.; Braithwaite, V.A. Spatial working memory in rats: no differences between the sexes 1999 Proceedings. Biological Sciences / The Royal Society 2818 266 2303-2308 details   doi
Healy, S.D.; Jones, C.M. Animal learning and memory: an integration of cognition and ecology 2002 Zoology 4741 105 321-327 details   doi
Healy, S.D.; Rowe, C. Costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain: doubts over the evidence that large brains lead to better cognition 2013 Anim Behav 6317 86 details   doi
Henderson, J.; Hurly, T.A.; Healy, S.D. Spatial relational learning in rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) 2006 Animal Cognition 2465 9 201-205 details   doi
Hodgson, Z.G.; Healy, S.D. Preference for spatial cues in a non-storing songbird species 2005 Animal Cognition 2499 8 211-214 details   doi
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