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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Galef, B.G. Enduring social enhancement of rats' preferences for the palatable and the piquant 1989 Appetite 6567 13 81-92 details   doi
Galef, B.G. Imitation and local enhancement: Detrimental effects of consensus definitions on analyses of social learning in animals 2013 Behavioural Processes 6419 100 123-130 details   doi
Galef, B.G.; Laland, K.N. Social Learning in Animals: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Models 2005 BioScience 6398 55 489-499 details   doi
Heyes, C.; Galef, B.G. (eds) Social learning in animals: the roots of culture 1996 2174 details   isbn
Galef, B.G. The adaptive value of social learning: a reply to Laland 1996 Animal Behaviour. 566 52 641-644 details   doi
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