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Bonnie, K.E.; Earley, R.L. Expanding the scope for social information use 2007 Animal Behaviour. 4205 74 171-18 details   doi
Earley, R.L.; Tinsley, M.; Dugatkin, L.A. To see or not to see: does previewing a future opponent affect the contest behavior of green swordtail males (Xiphophorus helleri)? 2003 Naturwissenschaften 2180 90 226-230 details   doi
Dugatkin, L.A.; Earley, R.L. Group fusion: the impact of winner, loser, and bystander effects on hierarchy formation in large groups 2003 Behavioral Ecology 519 14 367-373 details   url
Earley, R.L.; Dugatkin, L.A. Eavesdropping on visual cues in green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) fights: a case for networking 2002 Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 498 269 943-952 details   doi
Earley, R.L.; Druen, M.; Alan Dugatkin, L. Watching fights does not alter a bystander's response towards naive conspecifics in male green swordtail fish, Xiphophorus helleri 2005 Animal Behaviour. 394 69 1139-1145 details   doi
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