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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Crowell-Davis, S.L. Spatial relations between mares and foals of the Welsh pony (Equus caballus) 1986 Animal Behaviour 6505 34 1007-1015 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L. Nursing behaviour and maternal aggression among Welsh ponies (Equus caballus) 1985 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6504 14 11-25 details   doi
Hall, C.; Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Warren, R.J. Maternal and developmental behavior of the feral horses of Cumberland Island, Georgia 1993 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2271 37 85 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A.; Kane, L. Play development in Welsh pony (Equus caballus) foals 1987 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2274 18 119-131 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A.; Carini, C.M. Mutual grooming and nearest-neighbor relationships among foals of Equus caballus 1986 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2276 15 113-123 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Caudle, A.B. Coprophagy by foals: recognition of maternal feces 1989 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2273 24 267-272 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L. Self-grooming by mares and foals of the Welsh pony (Equus caballus) 1987 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2275 17 197-208 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L. Daytime rest behavior of the Welsh pony (Equus caballus) mare and foal 1994 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2269 40 197-210 details   doi
Barry, K.J.; Crowell-Davis, S.L. Gender differences in the social behavior of the neutered indoor-only domestic cat 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2267 64 193-211 details   doi
Barber, J.A.; Crowell-Davis, S.L. Maternal behavior of Belgian (Equus caballus) mares 1994 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2268 41 161-189 details   doi
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