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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Tennie, C.; Call, J.; Tomasello, M. Untrained chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) fail to imitate novel actions 2012 PLoS One 6289 7 details   doi
Hare, B.; Rosati, A.; Kaminski, J.; Bräuer, J.; Call, J.; Tomasello, M. The domestication hypothesis for dogs' skills with human communication: a response to Udell et al. (2008) and Wynne et al. (2008) 2010 Anim Behav 6241 79 details   doi
Abramson, J.Z.; Hernández-Lloreda, V.; Call, J.; Colmenares, F. Experimental evidence for action imitation in killer whales (Orcinus orca) 2013 5695 16 11-22 details   doi
Scheider, L.; Kaminski, J.; Call, J.; Tomasello, M. Do domestic dogs interpret pointing as a command? 2013 5666 16 361-372 details   doi
Melis, A.P.; Warneken, F.; Jensen, K.; Schneider, A.-C.; Call, J.; Tomasello, M. Chimpanzees help conspecifics obtain food and non-food items 2011 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 5630 278 1405-1413 details   doi
MacLean, E.; Matthews, L.; Hare, B.; Nunn, C.; Anderson, R.; Aureli, F.; Brannon, E.; Call, J.; Drea, C.; Emery, N.; Haun, D.; Herrmann, E.; Jacobs, L.; Platt, M.; Rosati, A.; Sandel, A.; Schroepfer, K.; Seed, A.; Tan, J.; van Schaik, C.; Wobber, V. How does cognition evolve? Phylogenetic comparative psychology 2012 Animal Cognition 5604 15 223-238 details   doi
Call, J.; Tomasello, M. Use of social information in the problem solving of orangutans (<em>Pongo pygmaeus</em>) and human children (<em>Homo sapiens</em>) 1995 Journal of Comparative Psychology 5448 109 308-320 details   doi
Tomasello, M.; Call, J Books Received 2001 Animal Behaviour 5446 61 269-270 details   doi
Mersmann, D.; Tomasello, M.; Call, J.; Kaminski, J.; Taborsky, M. Simple Mechanisms Can Explain Social Learning in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) 2011 Ethology 5409 117 675-690 details   doi
Bräuer, J.; Call, J.; Tomasello, M. Visual perspective taking in dogs (Canis familiaris) in the presence of barriers 2004 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4986 88 299-317 details   doi
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