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Edwards, K.L.; Bansiddhi, P.; Paris, S.; Galloway, M.; Brown, J.L. The development of an immunoassay to measure immunoglobulin A in Asian elephant feces, saliva, urine and serum as a potential biomarker of well-being 2019 Conservation Physiology 6591 7 details   doi
Carlstead, K.; Brown, J.L. Relationships between patterns of Fecal corticoid excretion and behavior, reproduction, and environmental factors in captive black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros 2005 Zoo Biology 6142 24 215-232 details   doi
Brown, J.L. Helping and Communal Breeding in Birds 1987 4907 details   openurl
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