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Watanabe, N.M.; Stahlman, W.D.; Blaisdell, A.P.; Garlick, D.; Fast, C.D.; Blumstein, D.T. Quantifying personality in the terrestrial hermit crab: Different measures, different inferences 2012 Behavioural Processes 5620 91 133-140 details   doi
Cook, R.G.; Shaw, R.; Blaisdell, A.P. Dynamic object perception by pigeons: discrimination of action in video presentations 2001 Animal Cognition 3142 4 137-146 details   doi
Blaisdell, A.P.; Cook, R.G. Integration of spatial maps in pigeons 2005 Animal Cognition 2521 8 7-16 details   doi
Blaisdell, A.P.; Sawa, K.; Leising, K.J.; Waldmann, M.R. Causal reasoning in rats 2006 Science (New York, N.Y.) 154 311 1020-1022 details   doi
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