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Baumgartner, M.; Boisson, T.; Erhard, M.H.; Zeitler-Feicht, M.H. Common Feeding Practices Pose A Risk to the Welfare of Horses When Kept on Non-Edible Bedding 2020 Animals 6647 10 441 details   doi
Baumgartner, M.; Frank,V.; Gandorfer,J.; Ramoser, A.; Seiler, S.; Zeitler-Feicht, M.H. Feasible animal-based indicators for assessing equine welfare 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5868 details   pdf openurl
Burger, D.; Baumgartner, M.; Schauer, S. N.; Wägeli, S.; Aurich, C.; Gerber, V. Influence of the recipient mare on character traits of adult offspring in a Warmblood embryo transfer program – preliminary results 2008 IESM 2008 4485 details   pdf openurl
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