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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Bannikov Ag, Kulan Moskau 1981 921 details   openurl
Bannikov Ag, Kulan (Equus hemionus Pallas) 1775 1966 Die Säugtiere der Sowjetunion 919 835-858 details   openurl
Bannikov Ag, Ecologie et distribution d'Equus hemionus Pallas; les variations de sa limite de distribution septentrionale 1961 917 1 86-100 details   openurl
Bannikov Ag, Special natural conditions of the biotope of the Przewalski wild horse and some biological features of this species 1961 918 13-21 details   openurl
Bannikov Ag, ´Über das Przewalski-Pferd 1959 916 48 details   openurl
Bannikov Ag, Distribution geographique et biologie du cheval sauvage et du cameau de Mongolie (Equus przewalskii et Camelus bactrianus) 1958 914 22 152-160 details   openurl
Bannikov Ag, Zur Biologie des Kulans Equus hemionus Pallas 1958 915 23 157-169 details   openurl
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