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Clutton-Brock, T.H.; Green, D.; Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, M.; Albon, S.D. Passing the buck: resource defence, lek breeding and mate choice in fallow deer 1988 Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 4882 23 281-296 details   doi
Clutton-Brock, T.H.; Guinness, F.E.; Albon, S.D. Red Deer: The Behavior and Ecology of Two Sexes 1982 4886 details   openurl
Clutton-Brock, T.H.; Albon, S.D.; Gibson, R.M.; Guinness, F.E. The logical stag: Adaptive aspects of fighting in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) 1979 Animal Behaviour. 860 27 211-225 details   doi
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