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Alexander, F. Effect of phenylbutazone on electrolyte metabolism in ponies 1982 The Veterinary record 109 110 271-272 details   openurl
Blazyczek, I.; Hamann, H.; Deegen, E.; Distl, O.; Ohnesorge, B. Retrospective analysis of 50 cases of guttural pouch tympany in foals 2004 The Veterinary Record 3719 154 261-264 details   openurl
Burden, F.; Trawford, A. Equine interspecies aggression Comment on 2006 The Veterinary record 1777 159 859-860 details   openurl
Friedberger, J.C. Modern horse training methods--what is justifiable? 1970 The Veterinary Record 1967 87 229-231 details   openurl
Giles, N.; Tupper, J. Equine interspecies aggression 2006 The Veterinary record 1779 159 756 details   doi
Herholz, C.; Straub, R.; Braendlin, C.; Imhof, A.; Luthi, S.; Busato, A. Measurement of tidal breathing flow-volume loop indices in horses used for different sporting purposes with and without recurrent airway obstruction 2003 The Veterinary Record 3725 152 288-292 details   openurl
Huxley, J. Equine interspecies aggression 2006 The Veterinary record 1776 159 860 details   openurl
Kirkwood, J.K. Animal minds and animal welfare 2000 The Veterinary Record 2856 146 327 details   openurl
Landman, M.A.A.M.; de Blaauw, J.A.; van Weeren, P.R.; Hofland, L.J. Field study of the prevalence of lameness in horses with back problems 2004 The Veterinary Record 3717 155 165-168 details   openurl
Macholc, E.J.A. Equine interspecies aggression 2006 The Veterinary record 1778 159 824 details   openurl
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