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Ahmadinejad , S.M.; Asgari, Z. Facial expressions of the Caspian pony to its own picture, mirror and a combination of these two 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5877 details   pdf openurl
Ahmadinejad , S.M.; Pishkar, J.; Anisi, T.; Babayee, B. Verbal expressions of the horses to the pain 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5890 details   pdf isbn
Ahmadinejad , S.M.; Pishkar, J.; Bahmen, M. Comparisons of behavioral and physiological state in Caspian pony before and after stress 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5891 details   pdf isbn
Baragli, P.; Demuru, E.; Palagi, E. Mirror on the wall, who is the horsest of our all? Self-recognition in Equus caballus 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5874 details   pdf openurl
Bartos, A.; Bányai, A.; Koltay, I.; Mándó, Zs Effect of mud treatment from Heviz Spa Lake on the joints and locomotion activities of horses 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5903 details   pdf isbn
Baumgartner, M.; Frank,V.; Gandorfer,J.; Ramoser, A.; Seiler, S.; Zeitler-Feicht, M.H. Feasible animal-based indicators for assessing equine welfare 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5868 details   pdf openurl
Berger, A. Evaluation of living conditions in free running animals by chronobiological analysis of continuously recorded behavioural data 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5880 details   pdf openurl
Berger, A.; Wolfram, M. Integration of zoo-kept Przewalski horses into a herd of Przewalski horses living in a semireserve 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5892 details   pdf isbn
Bouskila, A.,; Lourie,E.; de Vries, H.; Hermans, Z.M .; van Dierendonck, M. Sex, but not relatedness nor age, affect the social network of horses in a semi-natural reserve 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5881 details   pdf openurl
Briefer Freymond, S.; Piovesana, L.; Briefer. E. F.; Beuret. S.; Zuberbühler, K.; Bshary, R.; Bachmann, I. Crib-biting behaviour of horses: stress and learning capacity 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5878 details   pdf openurl
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