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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Eisenmann V, Le cheval: Passé, présent et avenir. 1982 1052 30 29-34 details   openurl
Estes Rd, Trials of a zebra herd stallion 1967 1074 76 58-65 details   openurl
Granger W, A revision of the american eocene horse. 1908 1124 24 221-264 details   openurl
Kumar, P.; Timoney, J.F.; Southgate, H.H.; Sheoran, A.S. Light and scanning electron microscopic studies of the nasal turbinates of the horse 2000 Anatomia, histologia, embryologia 505 29 103-109 details   openurl
Pocock Ri, The cape Colony Quaggas 1904 1476 7 313-328 details   openurl
Vollmerhaus, B.; Roos, H.; Gerhards, H.; Knospe, C. [Phylogeny, form and function of canine teeth in the horse] 2003 Anatomia, histologia, embryologia 672 32 212-217 details   openurl
Webster G, Unsung empire builder – The male 1956 1699 130-135 details   openurl
Willoughby Dp, The vanished quagga 1966 1711 75 60-64 details   openurl
Winton De We, Two new subspecies of zebra from Central and East Africa 1896 1714 6 17-319 details   openurl
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