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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
HANSEN et al, Foods of wild horses, deer and cattle in the Douglas Mountain Area, Colorado 1977 1158 30 116-118 details   openurl
Hansen Rm, Foods of free-roaming horses in southern New Mexico 1976 1159 29 347 details   openurl
Hubbard Re, H.R. Diets of wild horses, cattles and mule deer in the Piceance Basin, Colorado 1976 1206 389-392 details   openurl
Mcinnis Ml, V.M. Dietary relationships among feral horses, cattle, and pronhorn in southeastern Oregon 1987 1379 40 60-66 details   openurl
Miller R, Habitat use of feral horses and cattle in Wyoming's Red Desert 1983 1395 36 195-199 details   openurl
Miller R, Seasonal movements and home ranges of feral horse bands in Wyoming's Red Desert 1983 1396 36 199-201 details   openurl
Ngethe Jc, Preference and daily intake of five east african grasses by zebras 1976 1416 29 510 details   openurl
Olsen Fw, H.R. Food relations of wild free – roaming horses to livestock and big game, Red Desert, Wyoming 1977 1436 30 17-20 details   openurl
Salter Re, H.J. Range relationships of feral horses with wild ungulates and cattle in western Alberta 1980 1552 33 266-271 details   openurl
Woodward Sl, O.R. Habitat use and fecal analysis of feral burros (Equus asinus) Chemehuevi Mountains, California 1974 1721 29 482-485 details   openurl
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