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Fiske, J.C.; Potter, G.D. Discrimination reversal learning in yearling horses 1979 J. Anim. Sci. 4583 49 583-588 details   doi
Kimura, R. Volatile substances in feces, urine and urine-marked feces of feral horses 2001 Canadian Journal of Animal Science 2314 81 411-420 details   doi
McCall, C.A.; Potter, G.D.; Friend, T.H.; Ingram, R.S. Learning abilities in yearling horses using the Hebb-Williams closed field maze 1981 J. Anim. Sci. 4613 53 928-933 details   url
Pfister, J.A.; Stegelmeier, B.L.; Cheney, C.D.; Gardner, D.R. Effect of previous locoweed (Astragalus and Oxytropis species) intoxication on conditioned taste aversions in horses and sheep 2007 Journal of Animal Science 5683 85 1836-1841 details   url
Pfister, J.A.; Stegelmeier, B.L.; Cheney, C.D.; Ralphs, M.H.; Gardner, D.R. Conditioning taste aversions to locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) in horses 2002 Journal of Animal Science 5682 80 79-83 details   url
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