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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Cox Je, Factors affecting testis weight in normal and cryptorchid horses 1982 994 32 129-134 details   openurl
Klingel H, Reproduction in the Plains Zebra, Equus burchelli boehmi: Behaviour and Ecological Factors 1969 1292 6 339-345 details   openurl
Niekerk Van Ch, A.W. Early embryonic development in the horse 1975 1417 23 495-498 details   openurl
Penzhorn Bl, L.P. Comparisons of reproductive parameters of two Cape mountain zebra populations 1987 1462 35 661-663 details   openurl
Pickett Bw, V.J. Abnormalities of mating behaviour in domestic stallions 1975 1470 23 129-134 details   openurl
Short Rv, The evolution of the horse 1975 1589 23 1-6 details   openurl
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