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Barrey, E.; Desliens, F.; Poirel, D.; Biau, S.; Lemaire, S.; Rivero, J.L.L.; Langlois, B. Early evaluation of dressage ability in different breeds 2002 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3726 319-324 details   openurl
Barrey, E.; Galloux, P. Analysis of the equine jumping technique by accelerometry 1997 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3796 45-49 details   openurl
Burns, T.E.; Clayton, H.M. Comparison of the temporal kinematics of the canter pirouette and collected canter 1997 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3737 58-61 details   openurl
Bystrom, A.; Roepstorff, L.; Johnston, C. Effects of draw reins on limb kinematics 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3701 452-456 details   openurl
Cayado, P.; Munoz-Escassi, B.; Dominguez, C.; Manley, W.; Olabarri, B.; Sanchez de la Muela, M.; Castejon, F.; Maranon, G.; Vara, E. Hormone response to training and competition in athletic horses 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3705 274-278 details   openurl
Clayton, H.M. Classification of collected trot, passage and piaffe based on temporal variables 1997 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3738 54-57 details   openurl
Clayton, H.M.; Lanovaz, J.L.; Schamhardt, H.C.; van Wessum, R. The effects of a rider's mass on ground reaction forces and fetlock kinematics at the trot 1999 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3733 30 218-221 details   openurl
Cooper, J.J. Comparative learning theory and its application in the training of horses 1998 Equine veterinary journal. Supplement 846 39-43 details   openurl
Cooper, J.J.; Mason, G.J. The identification of abnormal behaviour and behavioural problems in stabled horses and their relationship to horse welfare: a comparative review 1998 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 1933 5-9 details   openurl
Cottin, F.; Barrey, E.; Lopes, P.; Billat, V. Effect of repeated exercise and recovery on heart rate variability in elite trotting horses during high intensity interval training 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 4009 204-209 details   openurl
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