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Asa, C.S. Male reproductive success in free-ranging feral horses 1999 5786 47 89-93 details   doi
Baragli, P.; Paoletti, E.; Vitale, V.; Sighieri, C. Looking in the correct location for a hidden object: brief note about the memory of donkeys (Equus asinus) 2011 Ethology Ecology & Evolution 6177 23 187-192 details   doi
Bartoš, L.; Bartošová, J.; Pluhácek, J.; Šindelárová, J. Promiscuous behaviour disrupts pregnancy block in domestic horse mares 2011 5834 65 1567-1572 details   doi
Gakahu Cg, Strategies of feeding behavior in the Common zebra, Equus burchelli (Gray) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya (Abstract) 1979 1100 158 details   openurl
Giraldeau, L.A.; Beauchamp, G. Food exploitation: searching for the optimal joining policy 1999 2137 14 102-106 details   openurl
JORDAN JW et al, Summer diets of feral burros (Equus asinus) in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 1979 1222 15-22 details   openurl
KIRKPATRICK JF et al, Adrenal corticosteroids and their use in monitoring stress in captive feral horses (Abstract) 1979 1270 49-50 details   openurl
KIRKPATRICK JF et al, Seasonal estrus patterns in captive feral mares (Abstract) 1979 1271 39-40 details   openurl
Lima, S.L. Predation Risk and Unpredictable Feeding Conditions: Determinants of Body Mass in Birds 1986 Ecology 5141 67 377-385 details   doi
Lloyd, P.H.; Rasa, O.A.E. Status, reproductive success and fitness in Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) 1989 5787 25 411-420 details   doi
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