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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Altmann, J. Observational Study of Behavior: Sampling Methods 1974 Behaviour 4684 49 227-266 details   doi
Appleby, M.C. Social Rank and Food Access in Red Deer Stags 1980 Behaviour 4860 74 294-309 details   doi
Barette, C.; Vandal, D. Social rank, dominance, antler size, and access to food in snow-bound wild woodland caribou 1986 Behaviour 4269 97 118-146 details   doi
Beauchamp, G. Individual Differences In Activity And Exploration Influence Leadership In Pairs Of Foraging Zebra Finches 2000 Behaviour 4698 137 301-314 details   doi
Bergmann, H.H.; Klaus, S.; Muller, F.; Wiesner, J. [Individuality and type specificity in the songs of a population of hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia bonasia L., Tetraoninae, Phasianidae)] 1975 Behaviour 4152 55 94-114 details   openurl
Boinski, S. Dispersal patterns among three species of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedii, S. boliviensis and S. sciureus): III. Cognition 2005 Behaviour 3509 142 679-699 details   doi
Boy V, D.P. Time-budgets of Camargue horses, I. Development changes in the time-budgets of foals 1979 966 71 187-202 details   openurl
Boy, V.; Duncan, P. Time-budgets of Camargue horses. I. Developmental changes in the time-budgets of foals. 1979 Behaviour 1803 71 187-201 details   openurl
Burger, J.; Gochfeld. Vigilance in African mammals: differences among mothers, other females, and males. 1994 Behaviour 2252 131 153-169 details   url
Chase, I.D.; Tovey, C.; Murch, P. Two's Company, Three's a Crowd: Differences in Dominance Relationships in Isolated Versus Socially Embedded Pairs of Fish 2003 Behaviour 857 140 1193-1217 details   doi
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