Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Stanley, C.R.; Dunbar, R.I.M. |
Consistent social structure and optimal clique size revealed by social network analysis of feral goats, Capra hircus |
2013 |
Anim Behav |
6253 |
85 |
Healy, S.D.; Rowe, C. |
Costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain: doubts over the evidence that large brains lead to better cognition |
2013 |
Anim Behav |
6317 |
86 |
h:, M.; Lévy, F.; Fortin, M.; Leterrier, C.; LansadLansade, L. |
Stress and temperament affect working memory performance for disappearing food in horses, Equus caballus |
2013 |
Animal Behaviour |
5746 |
86 |
1233-1240 |
Benson-Amram, S.; Weldele, M.L.; Holekamp, K.E. |
A comparison of innovative problem-solving abilities between wild and captive spotted hyaenas, Crocuta crocuta |
2013 |
Animal Behaviour |
5657 |
85 |
349-356 |
Nelson, X.J.; Fijn, N. |
The use of visual media as a tool for investigating animal behaviour |
2013 |
Animal Behaviour |
6432 |
85 |
525-536 |
Hopper, L.M.; Price, S.A.; Freeman, H.D.; Lambeth, S.P.; Schapiro, S.J.; Kendal, R.L. |
Influence of personality, age, sex, and estrous state on chimpanzee problem-solving success |
2013 |
Animal Cognition |
5932 |
17 |
835-847 |
Millot, S.; Nilsson, J.; Fosseidengen, J.E.; Bégout, M.-L.; Fernö, A.; Braithwaite, V.A.; Kristiansen, T.S. |
Innovative behaviour in fish: Atlantic cod can learn to use an external tag to manipulate a self-feeder |
2013 |
Animal Cognition |
5933 |
17 |
779-785 |
Ducatez, S.; Audet, J.N.; Lefebvre, L. |
Independent appearance of an innovative feeding behaviour in Antillean bullfinches |
2013 |
Animal Cognition |
5934 |
16 |
525-529 |
McCarthy, M.S.; Jensvold, M.L.A.; Fouts, D.H. |
Use of gesture sequences in captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) play |
2013 |
Animal Cognition |
5665 |
16 |
471-481 |
Rozempolska-Ruciń ska, Iwona; Trojan, Maciej; Kosik, Elż bieta; Próchniak, Tomasz; Górecka-Bruzda, Aleksandra |
How “natural” training methods can affect equine mental state? A critical approach -- a review |
2013 |
Animal Science Papers & Reports |
5726 |
31 |
185 |