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Holzapfel, M.; Wagner, C.; Kluth, G. et al. Zur Nahrungsökologie der Wölfe (Canis lupus) in Deutschland. 2011 Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung 6690 36 117-128 details   openurl
Piro, M.; Benjouad, A.; Karom, A.; Nabich, A.; Benbihi, N.; El Allali, K.; Machmoum, M.; Ouragh, L. Genetic Structure of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Carrier Horses in Morocco Inferred by Microsatellite Data 2011 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 6657 31 618-624 details   doi
Christensen, J.W.; Søndergaard, E.; Thodberg, K.; Halekoh, U. Effects of repeated regrouping on horse behaviour and injuries 2011 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6605 133 199-206 details   doi
Jørgensen, G.H.M.; Liestøl, S.H.-O.; Bøe, K.E. Effects of enrichment items on activity and social interactions in domestic horses (Equus caballus) 2011 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6604 129 100-110 details   doi
Hendriksen, P.; Elmgreen, K.; Ladewig, J. Trailer-loading of horses: Is there a difference between positive and negative reinforcement concerning effectiveness and stress-related signs? 2011 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 6598 6 261-266 details   doi
Miyata, H.; Gajdon, G.K.; Huber, L.; Fujita, K. How do keas (Nestor notabilis) solve artificial-fruit problems with multiple locks? 2011 Animal Cognition 6549 14 45-58 details   doi
Morand-Ferron, J.; Quinn, J.L. Larger groups of passerines are more efficient problem solvers in the wild 2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 6539 108 15898-15903 details   doi
Morgan, T.W.; Elliott, C.L. Comparison of remotely-triggered cameras vs. howling surveys for estimating coyote (Canis latrans) Abundance in central Kentucky 2011 J Ky Acad Science 6492 72 details   openurl
Marescot, L.; Pradel, R.; Duchamp, C.; Cubaynes, S.; Mrboutin, E.; Choquet, R. Capture – recapture population growth rate as a robust tool against detection heterogeneity for population management 2011 Ecol Appl 6491 21 details   doi
Core Development Team, R. R: a language and environment for statistical computing 2011 6489 details   openurl
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