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Aberle, K. S. Untersuchung der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse, Inzucht und genetischen Distanzen bei den deutschen Kaltblutpferderassen 2003 5185 details   openurl
Adolphs, R. Cognitive neuroscience of human social behaviour 2003 Nature Reviews. Neuroscience 4706 4 165-178 details   doi
Albentosa, M.J.; Kjaer, J.B.; Nicol, C.J. Strain and age differences in behaviour, fear response and pecking tendency in laying hens 2003 British poultry science 80 44 333-344 details   openurl
Altmann, S.A.; Altmann, J. The transformation of behaviour field studies 2003 Animal Behaviour. 1800 65 413-423 details   doi
Bachmann, I.; Audige, L.; Stauffacher, M. Risk factors associated with behavioural disorders of crib-biting, weaving and box-walking in Swiss horses 2003 Equine Veterinary Journal 1907 35 158-163 details   doi
Bachmann, I.; Bernasconi, P.; Herrmann, R.; Weishaupt, M.A.; Stauffacher, M. Behavioural and physiological responses to an acute stressor in crib-biting and control horses 2003 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3614 82 297-311 details   doi
Barker, S.C. The Australian paralysis tick may be the missing link in the transmission of Hendra virus from bats to horses to humans 2003 Medical Hypotheses 2641 60 481-483 details   openurl
Barrett, L.; Henzi, P.; Dunbar, R. Primate cognition: from 'what now?' to 'what if?' 2003 Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2096 7 494-497 details   doi
Bekoff M. Minding Animals, Minding Earth: Old Brains, New Bottlenecks 2003 Zygon 3498 38 911-941 details   doi
Bekoff M. Consciousness and Self in Animals: Some Reflections 2003 Zygon 3500 38 229-245 details   doi
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