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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Minot, E.O.; Stafford, K.J. Stallion harassment and the mating system of horses 1999 Animal Behaviour. 417 58 295-306
Lonon, A.M.; Zentall, T.R. Transfer of value from S+ to S- in simultaneous discriminations in humans 1999 The American journal of psychology 249 112 21-39
López, J.C.; Broglio, C.; Rodríguez, F.; Thinus-Blanc, C.; Salas, C. Multiple spatial learning strategies in goldfish (Carassius auratus) 1999 Animal Cognition 3110 2 109-120
M, E.; östl,.; Messmann, S.; Bagu, E.; Robia, C.; Palme, R. Measurement of Glucocorticoid Metabolite Concentrations in Faeces of Domestic Livestock 1999 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 6043 46 621-631
MacFadden, B.J.; Solounias, N.; Cerling, T.E. Ancient diets, ecology, and extinction of 5-million-year-Old horses from florida 1999 2652 283 824-827
Macuda, T.; Timney, B. Luminance and chromatic discrimination in the horse (Equus caballus) 1999 Behavioural Processes 844 44 301-307
Matzke, S.M.; Oubre, J.L.; Caranto, G.R.; Gentry, M.K.; Galbicka, G. Behavioral and immunological effects of exogenous butyrylcholinesterase in rhesus monkeys 1999 Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior 4064 62 523-530
McDonnell, S. Understanding horse behavior. Your guide to horse health care and management 1999 6155 99 pp.
McDonnell, S.M.; Freeman, D.A.; Cymbaluk, N.F.; Schott, H.C. 2nd; Hinchcliff, K.; Kyle, B. Behavior of stabled horses provided continuous or intermittent access to drinking water 1999 American Journal of Veterinary Research 1928 60 1451-1456
McGrew, W.; Marchant, L. Laterality of hand use pays off in foraging success for wild chimpanzees 1999 Primates 5368 40 509-513