Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Leng, V. |
Das Vielseitigkeitspferd. Der Vielseitigkeitsreiter. Ausbildung, Training, Event. |
1992 |
4438 |
Schmidt, D. |
Information Resources in Animal Behavior |
1992 |
Science & Technology Libraries |
4725 |
12 |
69-83 |
Wall, D.L.; Topliff, D.R.; Freeman, D.W.; Wagner, D.G.; Breazile, J.W.; Stutz, W.A. |
Effect of dietary cation-anion balance on urinary mineral excretion in exercised horses |
1992 |
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science |
4833 |
12 |
168-171 |
Stutz, W.A.; Topliff, D.R.; Freeman, D.W.; Tucker, W.B.; Breazile, J.W.; Wall, D.L. |
Effects of dietary cation-anion balance on blood parameters in exercising horses |
1992 |
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science |
4834 |
12 |
164-167 |
Nowak, M.A.; Sigmund, K. |
Tit for tat in heterogeneous populations |
1992 |
Nature |
4842 |
355 |
250-253 |
Dugatkin, L.A.; Mesterton-Gibbons, M.; Houston, A.I. |
Beyond the prisoner's dilemma: Toward models to discriminate among mechanisms of cooperation in nature |
1992 |
Trends Evol. Ecol. |
4843 |
7 |
202-205 |
Aureli, F.; Cossolino, R.; Cordischi, C.; Scucchi, S. |
Kin-oriented redirection among Japanese macaques: an expression of a revenge system? |
1992 |
Animal Behaviour. |
4867 |
44 |
283-291 |
de Waal, F. B. M. |
Coalitions as part of reciprocal relations in the Arnhem chimpanzee colony |
1992 |
Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals |
4877 |
233-257 |
Manson, J.H. |
Measuring female mate choice in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques |
1992 |
Animal Behaviour. |
4889 |
44 |
405-416 |
Boyd, R.; Richerson, P.J. |
Punishment allows the evolution of cooperation (or anything else) in sizable groups |
1992 |
Ethol. Sociobiol. |
4913 |
13 |
171-195 |