Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Steinhoff, H.J.; Schrader, J.; Schlitter, J. |
Temperature-jump studies and polarized absorption spectroscopy of methemoglobin-thiocyanate single crystals |
1992 |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta |
3800 |
1121 |
269-278 |
Reeve, H.K. |
Queen activation of lazy workers in colonies of the eusocial naked mole-rat |
1992 |
Nature |
4921 |
358 |
147-149 |
Novacek, M.J. |
Mammalian phylogeny: shaking the tree |
1992 |
Nature |
3546 |
356 |
121-125 |
Nowak, M.A.; Sigmund, K. |
Tit for tat in heterogeneous populations |
1992 |
Nature |
4842 |
355 |
250-253 |
Seyfarth, R.M.; Cheney, D.L. |
Meaning and mind in monkeys |
1992 |
Scientific American |
701 |
267 |
122-128 |
Dugatkin, L.A.; Godin, J.G. |
Reversal of female mate choice by copying in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) |
1992 |
Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society |
1824 |
249 |
179-184 |
Dart, A.J.; Snyder, J.R.; Pascoe, J.R.; Meagher, D.M.; Wilson, W.D. |
Prepurchase evaluation of horses: 134 cases (1988-1990) |
1992 |
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association |
3753 |
201 |
1061-1067 |
Pruett-Jones, S. |
Independent Versus Nonindependent Mate Choice: Do Females Copy Each Other? |
1992 |
The American Naturalist |
2182 |
140 |
1000-1009 |
Romano, N.; Vitale, F.; Alesi, D.R.; Bonura, F.; La Licata, R.; Intonazzo, V.; Dardanoni, G.; Mammina, C. |
The changing pattern of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in intravenous drug users. Results of a six-year seroprevalence study in Palermo, Italy |
1992 |
American Journal of Epidemiology |
5258 |
135 |
1189-1196 |
Clark, M.L.; Ayers, M. |
Friendship similarity during early adolescence: gender and racial patterns |
1992 |
The Journal of Psychology |
5628 |
126 |
393-405 |