Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Anderson, J.R.; Fornasieri, I.; Ludes, E.; Roeder, J.-J. |
Social processes and innovative behaviour in changing groups of lemur fulvus |
1992 |
Behavioural Processes |
576 |
27 |
101-112 |
Aureli, F.; Cossolino, R.; Cordischi, C.; Scucchi, S. |
Kin-oriented redirection among Japanese macaques: an expression of a revenge system? |
1992 |
Animal Behaviour. |
4867 |
44 |
283-291 |
Bazovska, S.; Awad-Masalmeh, M.; Kmety, E.; Spalekova, M. |
[Legionella antibodies in domestic animals] |
1992 |
Ceskoslovenska Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie |
2669 |
41 |
268-273 |
Boyd, R.; Richerson, P.J. |
Punishment allows the evolution of cooperation (or anything else) in sizable groups |
1992 |
Ethol. Sociobiol. |
4913 |
13 |
171-195 |
Brunner, D.; Kacelnik, A.; Gibbon, J. |
Optimal foraging and timing processes in the starling, Sturnus vulgaris: effect of inter-capture interval |
1992 |
Animal Behaviour. |
2112 |
44 |
597-613 |
Caraco, T.; Kacelnik, A.; Mesnick, N.; Smulewitz, M. |
Short-term rate maximization when rewards and delays covary |
1992 |
Animal Behaviour. |
2113 |
44 |
441-447 |
Cheney DL; Seyfarth RM |
Characterizing the mind of another species |
1992 |
Behav. Brain Sci. |
2988 |
15 |
172 |
Clark, M.L.; Ayers, M. |
Friendship similarity during early adolescence: gender and racial patterns |
1992 |
The Journal of Psychology |
5628 |
126 |
393-405 |
Connor, R. C.; Smokler, R. A.; Richards, A. F. |
Dolphin alliances and coalitions |
1992 |
Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals |
5238 |
415-443 |
Covalesky, M.E.; Russoniello, C.R.; Malinowski, K. |
Effects of show-jumping performance stress on plasma cortisol and lactate concentrations and heart rate and behavior in horses |
1992 |
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science |
5622 |
12 |
244-251 |