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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Sato, S.; Sako, S.; Maeda, A. Social licking patterns in cattle (<em>Bos taurus</em>): influence of environmental and social factors 1991 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6409 32 3-12 details   doi
Scheidhacker, M.; Bender, W.; Vaitl, P. Die Wirksamkeit des therapeutischen Reitens bei der Behandlung chronisch schizophrener Patienten 1991 Der Nervenarzt 5067 62 283-287 details   url
Schulte, N.; Klingel, H. Herd Structure, Leadership, Dominance and Site Attachment of the Camel, Camelus Dromedarius 1991 Behaviour 4683 118 103-114 details   doi
Schwarzenberger, F.; Mostl, E.; Bamberg, E.; Pammer, J.; Schmehlik, O. Concentrations of progestagens and oestrogens in the faeces of pregnant Lipizzan, trotter and thoroughbred mares 1991 Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement 322 44 489-499 details   openurl
Walther, F.R. On herding behavior 1991 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2035 29 5-13 details   url
Williams, D.O.; Boatwright, R.B.; Rugh, K.S.; Garner, H.E.; Griggs, D.M.J. Myocardial blood flow, metabolism, and function with repeated brief coronary occlusions in conscious ponies 1991 The American journal of physiology 98 260 H100-9 details   openurl
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