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Noë, R.; van Schaik, C.P.; van Hooff, J.A.R.A.M. The Market Effect: an Explanation for Pay-off Asymmetries among Collaborating Animals 1991 Ethology 5413 87 97-118 details   doi
Penzhorn, B.L.; Novellie, P.A. Some behavioural traits of Cape mountain zebras (Equus zebra zebra) and their implications for the management of a small conservation area 1991 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5074 29 293-299 details   doi
Penzhorn,B.L.; Novellie, P.A. Some behavioural traits of Cape mountain zebras and their implications for the management of asmall conservation area 1991 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1465 29 293-299 details   doi
Pepperberg, I.M.; Brezinsky, M.V. Acquisition of a relative class concept by an African gray parrot (Psittacus erithacus): discriminations based on relative size 1991 Journal of Comparative Psychology 3610 105 286-294 details   doi
Petherick, J.C.; Waddington, D.; Duncan, I.J.H. Learning to gain access to a foraging and dustbathing substrate by domestic fowl: is `out of sight out of mind'? 1991 Behavioural Processes 3609 22 213-226 details   url
Potts, W.K.; Manning, C.J.; Wakeland, E.K. Mating patterns in seminatural populations of mice influenced by MHC genotype 1991 Nature 5424 352 619-621 details   doi
Povinelli DJ; Parks KA; Novak MA Do rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) attribute knowledge and ignorance to others? 1991 J. Comp. Psychol. 3032 105 318 details   openurl
Real, L.A. Animal choice behavior and the evolution of cognitive architecture 1991 Science (New York, N.Y.) 2846 253 980-986 details   openurl
Rilling, M.E.; Neiworth, J.J. How animals use images 1991 Science Progress 2831 75 439-452 details   openurl
Sakura O; Matsuzawa T Flexibility of wild chimpanzees nut-cracking behavior using stone hammers and anvils: an experimental analysis 1991 Ethology 3038 87 237 details   openurl
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