Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial  |
Volume |
Pages |
Allcroft, D. J.; Tolkamp, B. J.; Glasbey, C. A.; Kyriazakis, I. |
The importance of `memory' in statistical models for animal feeding behaviour |
2004 |
Behavioural Processes |
2350 |
67 |
99-109 |
Gärdenfors P. |
Cued and detached representations in animal cognition |
1995 |
Behavioural Processes |
3454 |
35 |
263-273 |
Beer C.G. |
Trial and error in the evolution of cognition |
1995 |
Behavioural Processes |
3455 |
35 |
215-224 |
Sutton J.E.; Roberts W.A. |
Do pigeons show incidental timing? Some experiments and a suggested hierarchical framework for the study of attention in animal cognition |
1998 |
Behavioural Processes |
3463 |
44 |
263-275 |
Mercado E.; Killebrew D.A.; Pack A.A.; Macha I.V.B.; Herman L.M. |
Generalization of 'same-different' classification abilities in bottlenosed dolphins |
2000 |
Behavioural Processes |
3479 |
50 |
79-94 |
Desire L.; Boissy A.; Veissier I. |
Emotions in farm animals: – a new approach to animal welfare in applied ethology |
2002 |
Behavioural Processes |
3482 |
60 |
165-180 |
Lejeune, H.; Macar, F.; Zakay, D. |
Attention and timing: dual-task performance in pigeons |
1999 |
Behavioural Processes |
3582 |
45 |
141-157 |
Le Scolan, N.; Hausberger, M.; Wolff, A. |
Stability over situations in temperamental traits of horses as revealed by experimental and scoring approaches |
1997 |
Behavioural Processes |
3591 |
41 |
257-266 |
Snycerski, S.; Laraway, S.; Poling, A. |
Response acquisition with immediate and delayed conditioned reinforcement |
2005 |
Behavioural Processes |
3600 |
68 |
1-11 |
Byrne, T.; Sutphin, G.; Poling, A. |
Acquisition, extinction, and reacquisition of responding with delayed and immediate reinforcement |
1998 |
Behavioural Processes |
3601 |
43 |
97-101 |