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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Alexander, F. Multiple fistulation of the horse's large intestine 1970 The British veterinary journal 115 126 604-606 details   openurl
Allen, D.; Tanner, K. Putting the horse back in front of the cart: using visions and decisions about high-quality learning experiences to drive course design 2007 CBE Life Sciences Education 3999 6 85-89 details   doi
Arluke, A. The use of dogs in medical and veterinary training: understanding and approaching student uneasiness 2004 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science : JAAWS 2755 7 197-204 details   doi
Bachmann, I.; Audige, L.; Stauffacher, M. Risk factors associated with behavioural disorders of crib-biting, weaving and box-walking in Swiss horses 2003 Equine Veterinary Journal 1907 35 158-163 details   doi
Balakrishnan, G.; Hu, Y.; Spiro, T.G. Temperature-jump apparatus with Raman detection based on a solid-state tunable (1.80-2.05 microm) kHz optical parametric oscillator laser 2006 Applied Spectroscopy 3764 60 347-351 details   doi
Baltic, M.; Jenni-Eiermann, S.; Arlettaz, R.; Palme, R. A noninvasive technique to evaluate human-generated stress in the black grouse 2005 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 4080 1046 81-95 details   doi
Barnes, H.G.; Tucker, R.L.; Grant, B.D.; Roberts, G.D.; Prades, M. Lag screw stabilization of a cervical vertebral fracture by use of computed tomography in a horse 1995 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 3744 206 221-223 details   openurl
Bartosova, J.; Dvorakova, R.; Vancatova, M.; Svobodova, I. Comprehension of human pointing gesture in domestic horses: Effect of training method 2008 IESM 2008 4464 details   pdf openurl
BASHORE, T. L.; KEIPER, R.; TURNER ,J. W. JR; KIRKPATRICK J. F. The accuracy of fixed-wing aerial surveys of feral horses on a coastal barrier island 1990 Journal of coastal research 2221 6 53-56 details   url
Bayly, K.L.; Evans, C.S.; Taylor, A. Measuring social structure: A comparison of eight dominance indices 2006 Behavioural Processes 4289 73 1-12 details   doi
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