Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
King, A.J.; Douglas, C.M.S.; Huchard, E.; Isaac, N.J.B.; Cowlishaw, G. |
Dominance and affiliation mediate despotism in a social primate |
2008 |
Current Biology : CB |
5124 |
18 |
1833-1838 |
Kralj-Fiser, S.; Scheiber, I.B.R.; Blejec, A.; Moestl, E.; Kotrschal, K. |
Individualities in a flock of free-roaming greylag geese: behavioral and physiological consistency over time and across situations |
2007 |
Hormones and Behavior |
4189 |
51 |
239-248 |
Lea, S.E.G.; Goto, K.; Osthaus, B.; Ryan, C.M.E. |
The logic of the stimulus |
2006 |
Animal Cognition |
2450 |
9 |
247-256 |
McComb, K.; Clutton-Brock, T. |
Is mate choice copying or aggregation responsible for skewed distributions of females on leks? |
1994 |
Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society |
1823 |
255 |
13-19 |
McDonnell, S.M.; Freeman, D.A.; Cymbaluk, N.F.; Schott, H.C. 2nd; Hinchcliff, K.; Kyle, B. |
Behavior of stabled horses provided continuous or intermittent access to drinking water |
1999 |
American Journal of Veterinary Research |
1928 |
60 |
1451-1456 |
McGreevy, P.D.; Webster, A.J.; Nicol, C.J. |
Study of the behaviour, digestive efficiency and gut transit times of crib-biting horses |
2001 |
The Veterinary record |
86 |
148 |
592-596 |
Meral, Y.; Cakiroglu, D.; Sancak, A.A.; Cyftcy, G.; Karabacak, A. |
Relationships between serum serotonin and serum lipid levels, and aggression in horses |
2007 |
DTW. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift |
1835 |
114 |
30-32 |
Miller, R.M. |
Behavior and misbehavior of the horse |
2001 |
The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice |
1894 |
17 |
379-87, ix |
Minero, M.; Canali, E.; Ferrante, V.; Verga, M.; Odberg, F.O. |
Heart rate and behavioural responses of crib-biting horses to two acute stressors |
1999 |
The Veterinary Record |
1921 |
145 |
430-433 |
Miyashita, Y.; Nakajima, S.; Imada, H. |
Panel-touch behavior of horses established by an autoshaping procedure |
1999 |
Psychological Reports |
1926 |
85 |
867-868 |