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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
Cameron, E. Z.,; Linklater, W. L.,; Stafford, K.J.,; Minot, E. O., Social grouping and maternal behaviour in feral horses (Equus caballus): the influence of males on maternal protectiveness 2003 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 458 53 92-101
Cameron, E.Z.; Linklater, W.L.; Stafford, K.J.; Minot, E.O. Maternal investment results in better foal condition through increased play behaviour in horses 2008 Animal Behaviour. 4709 76 1511-1518
Cameron, E.Z.; Linklater, W.L.; Stafford, K.J.; Minot, E.O. Aging and improving reproductive success in horses: declining residual reproductive value or just older and wiser? 2000 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2019 47 243-249
Cameron, E.Z.; Stafford, K.J.; Linklater, W.L.; Veltman, C.J. Suckling behaviour does not measure milk intake in horses, Equus caballus 1999 Animal Behaviour. 418 57 673-678
Chamove, A.S.; Crawley-Hartrick, O.J.E.; Stafford, K.J. Horse reactions to human attitudes and behavior 2002 Anthrozoos 4514 15 323-331
Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Minot, E.O.; Stafford, K.J. Feral horse demography and population growth in the Kaimanawa Ranges, New Zealand 2004 Wildl. Res. 3695 31 119-128
Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Minot, E.O.; Stafford, K.J. Stallion harassment and the mating system of horses 1999 Animal Behaviour. 417 58 295-306
Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Stafford, K.J.; Austin, T. Chemical immobilisation and temporary confinement of two Kaimanawa feral stallions 1998 New Zealand veterinary journal 412 46 117-118
Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Stafford, K.J.; Veltman, C.J. Social and spatial structure and range use by Kaimanawa wild horses (Equus caballus: Equidae) 2000 New Zealand Journal of Ecology 793 24 139-152
Linklater, W.L.; Henderson, K.M.; Cameron, E.Z.; Stafford, K.J.; Minot, E.O. The robustness of faecal steroid determination for pregnancy testing Kaimanawa feral mares under field conditions 2000 New Zealand veterinary journal 411 48 93-98