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Bell, R.J.W.; Kingston, J.K.; Mogg, T.D.; Perkins, N.R. The prevalence of gastric ulceration in racehorses in New Zealand 2007 New Zealand Veterinary Journal 4020 55 13-18 details   openurl
Perkins, N.R.; Reid, S.W.J.; Morris, R.S. Effect of training location and time period on racehorse performance in New Zealand. 2. Multivariable analysis 2004 New Zealand Veterinary Journal 4038 52 243-249 details   openurl
Perkins, N.R.; Reid, S.W.J.; Morris, R.S. Effect of training location and time period on racehorse performance in New Zealand. 1. Descriptive analysis 2004 New Zealand Veterinary Journal 4039 52 236-242 details   openurl
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