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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Jolly, A. BEHAVIOR: The Social Origin of Mind 2007 Science 4247 317 1326-1327 details   doi
Jolly, A. Pair-bonding, female aggression and the evolution of lemur societies 1998 Folia Primatologica; International Journal of Primatology 4179 69 Suppl 1 1-13 details   openurl
Jolly, A. Lemur social behavior and primate intelligence 1966 Science 3010 153 501 - 506 details   doi
Pinkus, S.; Smith, J.; Jolly, A. Feeding Competition Between Introduced Eulemur fulvus and Native Lemur catta During the Birth Season at Berenty Reserve, Southern Madagascar 2006 Ringtailed Lemur Biology 810 119-140 details   doi
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