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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Albright, J.D.; Mohammed, H.O.; Heleski, C.R.; Wickens, C.L.; Houpt, K.A. Crib-biting in US horses: Breed predispositions and owner perceptions of aetiology 2009 Equine Veterinary Journal 5010 41 455-458 details   doi
Boyd, L.E.; Carbonaro, D.A.; Houpt, K.A. The 24-hour time budget of Przewalski horses 1988 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1805 21 5-17 details   doi
Brown, R.F.; Houpt, K.A.; Schryver, H.F. Stimulation of food intake in horses by diazepam and promazine 1976 Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 60 5 495-497 details   openurl
Crowell-Davis, S.; Houpt, K.A. The ontogeny of flehmen in horses 1985 Animal Behaviour. 2261 33 739-745 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A. Maternal behavior 1986 The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice 49 2 557-571 details   openurl
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A. Techniques for taking a behavioral history 1986 The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice 50 2 507-518 details   openurl
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A. Coprophagy by foals: effect of age and possible functions 1985 Equine veterinary journal 55 17 17-19 details   openurl
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A.; Carini, C.M. Mutual grooming and nearest-neighbor relationships among foals of Equus caballus 1986 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2276 15 113-123 details   doi
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A.; Carnevale, J. Feeding and drinking behavior of mares and foals with free access to pasture and water 1985 Journal of animal science 54 60 883-889 details   openurl
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Houpt, K.A.; Kane, L. Play development in Welsh pony (Equus caballus) foals 1987 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2274 18 119-131 details   doi
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