Wall, D. L., Topliff, D. R., Freeman, D. W., Wagner, D. G., Breazile, J. W., & Stutz, W. A. (1992). Effect of dietary cation-anion balance on urinary mineral excretion in exercised horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 12(3), 168–171.
Abstract: Summary Four mares and four geldings of Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred breeding were used in two simultaneous 4x4 Latin square experiments to study the effects of dietary cation-anion balance (DCAB), defined as meq ((Na+K)-C1)/kg dry matter, on urinary pH and mineral excretion in exercised horses. Diets consisted of a pelleted concentrate of corn, soybean meal and cottonseed hulls fed with bermudagrass hay. Treatments with DCAB of +5 (Low, L), +107 (Medium Low, ML), +201 (Medium High, MH) and +327 (High, H), meq ((Na+K)-Cl)/kg dry matter were formed by supplementing diet L with calcium chloride and ammonium chloride, diet ML with calcium chloride and diet H with sodium bicarbonate and potassium citrate (Table 1). Diet MH was not supplemented and served as the control treatment. Horses were conditioned aerobically for 6 weeks using long, slow, distance (LSD) workouts. During the experimental periods, horses were subjected to a combined exercise regimen alternating LSD with an interval-training protocol 6 days/week. There was a significant (P<.01) treatment effect on urine pH; least squares means for L, ML, MH and H were 6.73, 7.17, 7.38, and 7.92. Horses consuming diet L excreted more calcium in the urine (P<.05) than those consuming MH or H. Least squares means for daily urine calcium excretion tended to be linear across treatments and ranged from 19.66 g/day for diet L to 9.12 g/day for diet H. Urinary chloride excretion was higher (P<.05) for L than for MH or H. Horses fed diet H excreted more sodium (P<.05) in urine than horses fed the other diets. Lowering DCAB, increases urinary calcium loss; depending on the level of calcium intake, this could lead to negative calcium balance in exercising horses.
Zabel, C. J., Glickman, S. E., Frank, L. G., Woodmansee, K. B., & Keppel, G. (1992). Coalition formation in a colony of prepubertal spotted hyaenas. In A. H. Harcourt, & F. B. M. de Waal (Eds.), Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals (pp. 113–135). Oxford: Oxford University Press.