Kirkpatrick, J. F., Liu, I. M., Turner, J. W. J., Naugle, R., & Keiper, R. (1992). Long-term effects of porcine zonae pellucidae immunocontraception on ovarian function in feral horses (Equus caballus). J Reprod Fertil, 94(2), 437–444.
Abstract: Ten feral mares free-roaming in Maryland, USA, were inoculated with porcine zonae pellucidae (PZP) protein before the breeding season for three consecutive years (1988-90). Ovarian function was monitored for 51 days during the peak of the breeding season after the third annual PZP inoculation, in seven of these mares and in four untreated control mares, by means of urinary oestrone conjugates and nonspecific progesterone metabolites. None of the ten inoculated mares became pregnant in 1990, compared with 55% of 20 control mares, which included two of the four monitored for ovarian function. Three of the untreated mares demonstrated apparent normal ovarian activity, characterized by preovulatory oestrogen peaks, concurrent progesterone nadirs at ovulation, breeding activity, and luteal-phase progesterone increases after ovulation. Two of the seven monitored PZP-treated mares demonstrated ovulatory cycles that did not result in conception. One was pregnant as a result of conception in 1989 and demonstrated a normal, late-gestation, endocrine profile. The remaining four PZP-treated mares revealed no evidence of ovulation, and urinary oestrogen concentrations were significantly depressed. The experiments indicated that (i) a third consecutive annual PZP booster inoculation is greater than 90% effective in preventing pregnancies in mares and (ii) three consecutive years of PZP treatment may interfere with normal ovarian function as shown by markedly depressed oestrogen secretion.
Kraus-Hansen, A. E., Fackelman, G. E., Becker, C., Williams, R. M., & Pipers, F. S. (1992). Preliminary studies on the vascular anatomy of the equine superficial digital flexor tendon. Equine Vet J, 24(1), 46–51.
Abstract: The vascular and microvascular anatomy of normal equine superficial digital flexor tendons was studied by dissection of vinyl-perfused specimens and by microangiography on high detail film. The presence of an extensive intratendinous vascular latticework was confirmed, and a 'nutrient artery' described closely associated with the accessory ligament of the superficial digital flexor tendon (proximal check ligament). Circumferential stripping of the paratenon from the tendon to eliminate afferent vessels was performed bilaterally in three horses and unilaterally in a fourth, followed by a treadmill training regimen. No resulting intratendinous lesions could be documented on gross post mortem and histological examination at three, 10, or 35 days post operatively. There was mild paratendinous proliferation in all instances. In one horse, four intratendinous ligatures were placed within the medial and lateral borders of the contralateral tendon to isolate further from its blood supply a 10 cm segment. Gross lesions at 35 days post operatively included a marked paratendinous response involving the entire 10 cm segment, and a darkened, soft focus within the core of the tendon. Histopathology and electron microscopy demonstrated focal degeneration. It was concluded that the blood supply of the normal equine superficial digital flexor tendon is primarily intratendinous, rather than paratendinous as previously thought. The lesions in one horse similar to those in naturally occurring tendinitis supported a vascular aetiology of the disease, and set the groundwork for studies aimed at the development of a clinically relevant tendinitis model.
Krause, J., Bumann, D., & Todt, D. (1992). Relationship between the position preference and nutritional state of individuals in schools of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 30(3), 177–180.
Abstract: Position preferences of well-fed and food-deprived juvenile roach were investigated in schools of 2 and 4 fish in the laboratory. Food-deprived fish appeared significantly more often in the front position than their well-fed conspecifics. For fish at the same hunger level, individuals at the front of the school had the highest feeding rate. These results represent the first evidence for a relationship between the nutritional state of individual fish and their positions in a school and suggest a functional advantage of the preference.
Lamprecht, J. (1992). Variable Leadership in Bar-Headed Geese (Anser Indicus) : an Analysis of Pair and Family Departures. Behaviour, 122(1-2), 105–119.
Abstract: This paper reports quantitative leadership differences in semi-captive bar-headed geese (Anser indicus) at different times of the year, and in different types of groups. Leading is defined here as causing the departure or determining the direction of movement of the whole group. No permanent and exclusive leader of a pair or family group was found, rather relative leading frequencies of male, female and young showed a definite shifting pattern. Females led more often than their mates prior to breeding, and on nest pauses during the incubation period, but less often in summer, autumn and early winter. In families there was no difference between the frequencies of male and female leading. Family females led relatively more often than those of pairs without offspring. This difference was related to the presence, not the number, of young. Goslings led the family about as often as the parents during the rearing period in early summer, less often in autumn, winter and next spring. Such differences and changes are to be expected where competence in particular tasks and dependence on partners vary between group members, and where different situations require different abilities. For the geese, the results can be related to the different options of group members and to the different benefits they derive from leaving (or 'staying put') or following (or waiting for the others) in different situations.
Leng, V. (1992). Das Vielseitigkeitspferd. Der Vielseitigkeitsreiter. Ausbildung, Training, Event. München: Blv Verlagsgesellschaft.
Lin AC, Bard KA, & Anderson JR. (1992). Development of self-recognition and self-conscious emotions. Child Dev., 106, 120.
Manson, J. H. (1992). Measuring female mate choice in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. Anim. Behav., 44, 405–416.
Abstract: Few studies of female mate choice have been carried out among free-ranging non-human primates. To qualify as female mate choice, behaviour by oestrous females must predict the occurrence or rate of potentially fertile copulations, in comparisons between heterosexual dyads. In this paper, data are presented to show three behaviour patterns that meet this criterion in free-ranging rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta, at the island colony of Cayo Santiago: (1) selective cooperation with male sexual solicitations (hip-grasps), (2) restoration of proximity following attacks on females by intruding males, and (3) proximity maintenance (in one of two study groups). Oestrous females maintained proximity preferentially to lower ranking males, but this appeared to reflect differences in the tactics necessary to achieve copulations with males of different dominance ranks, rather than preference for lower ranking mates. Male-oestrous female dyads showed consistency over two consecutive mating seasons in which partner was responsible for proximity maintenance. Male dominance rank was positively correlated with copulatory rate with fertile females. However, in one study group, males to whom oestrous females maintained proximity more actively had higher copulatory rates with fertile females, independent of the effects of male dominance rank.
Mills, M. G. L., & Shenk, M. G. L. (1992). Predator--Prey Relationships: The Impact of Lion Predation on Wildebeest and Zebra Populations. T. J. Anim. Ecol., 61(3), 693–702.
Abstract: 1. The role of lion Panthera leo predation in the dynamics of blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus and zebra Equus burchelli populations was investigated through simulation models. The data used in the models were from intensive observations over 4 years in the south-east of the Kruger National Park. 2. Population estimates of wildebeest and zebra were made from aerial surveys, sex and age ratios from ground counts. Lion numbers were determined from observations of marked and radio-collared animals. Predation was studied by following lions for continuous periods of up to 336 h. 3. Two models were constructed. Model 1 ascertained the number of killing lions (adult females) that could be supported by each prey population while remaining stable. A single model was constructed for the sedentary wildebeest population. A summer and winter model was constructed for the semi-migratory zebra population. The sensitivity of the parameters in the model was tested by changing their value by 10%. In model 2, the kill age structure for each species was changed to determine the number of killing lions the altered prey selection parameters could support. 4. There was no difference in the vulnerability of either species to predation. Zebra foals (<1 year) were killed more frequently than expected. No selection for sex or by season could be found for either species. 5. Model 1 predicted that the wildebeest population stabilizes with 7.7 killing lions, close to the number in the study area. The winter zebra population stabilizes with 6.8 killing lions and the summer zebra population with 19.4. Manipulation of kill rate followed by adult fecundity rate had the greatest effect on population size of both species. In model 2, wildebeest predation was made selective towards calves and zebra predation was made non-selective for sex and age. With these parameters the wildebeest population stabilizes with 10.7 killing lions and the zebra population with 5.4 in winter and 15.1 in summer. 6. The models suggest that lion predation affected wildebeest more severely than zebra during the study. This was through the way in which lions selected their prey, and because of the sedentary behaviour of the wildebeest, as opposed to the semi-migratory behaviour of the zebra.
Munthali, S. M., & Banda, H. M. (1992). Distribution and abundance of the common ungulates of Nyika National Park. Afr. J. Ecol, 30, 203–212.
Noë, R. (1992). Alliance formation among male hamadryas baboons: shopping for profitable partners. In A. H. Harcourt, & F. B. M. deWaal (Eds.), Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals (pp. 284–321). Oxford: Oxford University Press.