Marr, I., Stefanski, V., & Krueger, K. (2022). Lateralität – ein Indikator für das Tierwohl?[Laterality – an animal welfare indicator?]. Der Praktische Tierarzt, 103(12/2022), 1246–12757.
Abstract: Ein gutes Tierwohl definiert sich nicht nur durch die Abwesenheit von Stressindikatoren, sondern auch durch das Vorhandensein von Indikatoren, die auf ein gutes Wohlergehen hinweisen. So können stressbedingte Erkrankungen vermieden werden. Zur Bestimmung des Tierwohls bei Pferden wurde daher untersucht, inwieweit sich die sensorische Lateralität (einseitiger Gebrauch von Sinnesorganen) und die motorische Lateralität (einseitiger Gebrauch von Gliedmaßen) als einfach, schnell und kostengünstig zu erhebende Parameter eignen. Hierzu werden neben aktueller Literatur auch die eigenen Untersuchungsergebnisse zusammenfassend dargestellt. Die nach außen sichtbar werdende sensorische und motorische Lateralität sind das Resultat der cerebralen Lateralisierung. Dies beinhaltet nicht nur die Aufgabenteilung beider Gehirnhälften für ein effizienteres Aufnehmen und Speichern von Informationen, sondern sie steht auch in Verbindung mit der Entstehung und Verarbeitung von Emotionen, die maßgeblich am Wohlergehen eines Lebewesens beteiligt sind. Kurzzeitige Stressoren führen zu einer Erregung, die je nach Erfahrungen mit positiven oder negativen Emotionen in Verbindung steht. Emotionen helfen dem Organismus dabei, zu überleben. Andauernde negative Emotionen durch regelmäßige oder anhaltende negative Ereignisse führen zu Stress und reduzieren die Erwartung positiver Ereignisse (negativer cognitive Bias). Das Tier ist im Wohlergehen beeinträchtigt. Jüngst zeigte insbesondere die Messung der motorischen Lateralität Potenzial als Indikator für lang anhaltenden und chronischen Stress, denn gestresste Pferde, deren Stresshormonlevel stark ansteigt, zeigen einen zunehmenden Gebrauch der linken Gliedmaßen über einen längeren Zeitraum. Weiterhin zeigen erste Messungen einen Zusammenhang zwischen einer linksseitigen motorischen Lateralität und einer reduzierten Erwartung positiver Ereignisse (negativer cognitive Bias). Zusammen mit der sensorischen Lateralität, die in einer akuten Stressphase ebenso eine Linksverschiebung zeigt und somit als Indikator für Kurzzeitstress gilt, kann eine generelle, vermehrte Linksseitigkeit auch einen Hinweis auf erhöhte Emotionalität und Stressanfälligkeit sein. Eine sich steigernde Linksseitigkeit bedeutet eine präferierte Informationsverarbeitung durch die rechte Gehirnhälfte, die beispielsweise reaktives Verhalten, starke Emotionen und Stressantworten steuert. Es stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass wie bei allen Stressindikatoren auch in der Lateralitätsmessung ein Vergleichswert aus einer vorangegangenen Messung notwendig ist, denn nur Veränderungen zum häufiger werdenden Gebrauch der linken Seite können auf Stress bei Pferden hindeuten und die parallele Erhebung weiterer Parameter, wie zum Beispiel das Verhalten oder Stresshormone, können die Aussage der Lateralität bekräftigen.
Krueger, K., Schwarz, S., Marr, I., & Farmer, K. (2022). Laterality in Horse Training: Psychological and Physical Balance and Coordination and Strength Rather Than Straightness. Animals, 12(8), 1042.
Abstract: For centuries, a goal of training in many equestrian disciplines has been to straighten the horse, which is considered a key element in achieving its responsiveness and suppleness. However, laterality is a naturally occurring phenomenon in horses and encompasses body asymmetry, motor laterality and sensory laterality. Furthermore, forcibly counterbalancing motor laterality has been considered a cause of psychological imbalance in humans. Perhaps asymmetry and laterality should rather be accepted, with a focus on training psychological and physical balance, coordination and equal strength on both sides instead of enforcing “straightness”. To explore this, we conducted a review of the literature on the function and causes of motor and sensory laterality in horses, especially in horses when trained on the ground or under a rider. The literature reveals that body asymmetry is innate but does not prevent the horse from performing at a high level under a rider. Motor laterality is equally distributed in feral horses, while in domestic horses, age, breed, training and carrying a rider may cause left leg preferences. Most horses initially observe novel persons and potentially threatening objects or situations with their left sensory organs. Pronounced preferences for the use of left sensory organs or limbs indicate that the horse is experiencing increased emotionality or stress, and long-term insufficiencies in welfare, housing or training may result in left shifts in motor and sensory laterality and pessimistic mentalities. Therefore, increasing laterality can be regarded as an indicator for insufficiencies in housing, handling and training. We propose that laterality be recognized as a welfare indicator and that straightening the horse should be achieved by conducting training focused on balance, coordination and equal strength on both sides.
Krueger, K., Esch, L., Farmer, K., & Marr, I. (2021). Basic Needs in Horses?--A Literature Review. Animals, 11(6), 1798.
Abstract: Every animal species has particular environmental requirements that are essential for its welfare, and when these so-called “basic needs” are not fulfilled, the animals suffer. The basic needs of horses have been claimed to be social contact, social companionship, free movement and access to roughage. To assess whether horses suffer when one or more of the four proposed basic needs are restricted, we examined several studies (n = 38) that reported behavioural and physiological reactions to these restrictions. We assigned the studies according to the four types of responses investigated: (a) Stress, (b) Active, (c) Passive, and (d) Abnormal Behaviour. Furthermore, the number of studies indicating that horses reacted to the restrictions were compared with the number of studies reporting no reaction. The limited number of studies available on single management restrictions did not allow conclusions to be drawn on the effect of each restriction separately, especially in the case of social companionship. However, when combinations of social contact, free movement and access to roughage were restricted, many of the horses had developed responses consistent with suffering. Passive Responses, indicating acute suffering, and Abnormal Behaviour, indicating suffering currently or at some time in the past, were especially clearly demonstrated. This provides further evidence of the usefulness of assessing behavioural parameters in combination with physiological measurements when evaluating horse welfare. This meta-analysis of the literature confirms that it is justified to claim that social contact, free movement and access to roughage are basic needs in horses.
McLean, A. N., & Christensen, J. W. (2017). The application of learning theory in horse training. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 190, 18–27.
Abstract: The millennia-old practices of horse training markedly predate and thus were isolated from the mid-twentieth century revelation of animal learning processes. From this standpoint, the progress made in the application and understanding of learning theory in horse training is reviewed including a discussion of how learning processes are employed or otherwise under-utilised in training. This review describes the process of habituation and the most commonly applied desensitisation techniques (systematic desensitisation, counter-conditioning, overshadowing, response prevention) and propose two additional techniques (approach conditioning and stimulus blending). The salience of different types of cues, the interaction of operant and classical conditioning and the impact of stress are also discussed. This paper also exposes the inflexibility and occasional inadequacy of the terminology of learning theory when translated from the research laboratory situation to the practical setting in horse training. While learning theory provides a rich toolbox for riders and trainers, the training process is subject to the simultaneous use of multiple learning processes. In addition, learning/behavioural outcomes and trained responses are not just the result of simple stimulus-response based interactions but are further shaped by arousal, affective and attachment states. More research is needed in these areas. For the field of equitation science to progress and to improve clarity and use of learning processes, changes in nomenclature are required. In particular, the use of the terms 'positive' and 'negative' as descriptive labels in both reinforcement and punishment modalities are unacceptably misleading for everyday use. These labels inhibit the understanding and recognition of the learning processes that these terms supposedly represent, yet the learning processes they describe are vital for horse riders, handlers and trainers to understand. We therefore propose that these labels should be re-labelled more appropriately as 'addition' or 'subtraction' reinforcement/punishment. This would enlighten trainers on the correct application of learning theory, and safety and welfare benefits for people and horses would follow. Finally it is also proposed that the term 'conflict theory' be taken up in equitation science to facilitate diagnosis of training-related behaviour disorders and thus enable the emergence of improved training practices. The optimal use of learning theory should be established as a fundamental principle in equestrian education.
Palme, R., Touma, C., Arias, N., Dominchin, M.N., & Lepschy, M. (2013). Steroid extraction: Get the best out of faecal samples. Wien Tierärztl Monat – Vet Med Austria, 100, 238–246.
Abstract: Faecal steroid hormone metabolites are becoming increasingly popular as parameters for reproductive functions and stress. The extraction of the steroids from the faecal matrix represents the initial step before quantification can be performed. The steroid metabolites present in the faecal matrix are of varying polarity and composition, so selection of a proper extraction procedure is essential. There have been some studies to address this complex but often neglected point. Radiolabelled steroids (e.g. cortisol or progesterone) have frequently been added to faecal samples to estimate the efficiency of the extraction procedures used. However, native, unmetabolized steroids are normally not present in the faeces and therefore the results are artifi- cial and do not accurately reflect the actual recoveries of the substances of interest. In this respect, recovery experiments based on faecal samples from radiometabolism studies are more informative. In these samples, the metabolite content accurately reflects the mixture of metabolites present in the given species. As a result, it is possible to evaluate different extraction methods for use with faecal samples. We present studies on sheep, horses, pigs, hares and dogs that utilized samples containing naturally metabolized, 14C-labelled steroids. We recommend extracting faecal steroids by simply suspending the faeces in a high percentage of a primary alcohol (for glucocorticoid metabolites 80% aqueous methanol proved best suited for virtually all mammalian species tested so far). Not only does the procedure significantly increase the total amount of recovered radioactivity, it also increases the percentage of unconjugated metabolites, which are more likely to be recognized by the antibodies used in various immunoassays. The advantages of this extraction procedure are clear: it is very easy to use (no evaporation step is needed), it yields high recoveries and variation based on the extraction procedure is reduced to a minimum.