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Anderson, M. K., Friend, T. H., Evans, J. W., & Bushong, D. M. (1999). Behavioral assessment of horses in therapeutic riding programs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 63(1), 11–24.
Abstract: A behavioral assessment of horses who were being used and not used in therapeutic riding programs was conducted to help determine useful methods of selecting horses for use in therapeutic riding programs. A total of 103 horses (76 horses from five therapeutic riding centers and 27 non-therapeutic riding horses from four sites) were used. Temperament survey for each horse were completed by three riding instructors at each therapeutic riding center or by the individual most knowledgeable about the horse at the other sites. Twenty personality traits from the survey were used to quantify temperament. Concentrations of plasma cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine were also measured in each horse. A reactivity test was then conducted which involved introducing three novel stimuli: a walking and vocalizing toy pig placed on a cardboard surface in front of the horse for 20 s; popping a balloon near the horse's flank area; and suddenly opening an umbrella and holding it open in front of the horse for 20 s. Reactions (expressions, vocalizations and movement) to each of the stimuli were scored and used to calculate an average reactivity score for each horse. The therapeutic riding instructors did not often agree on the temperament of their center's horses. The personality trait ratings made by the therapeutic riding instructors at each center were on average significantly correlated (P<0.01, r>0.52) for only 37.8% of the horses for any two instructors and 7.8% for three instructors. No significant correlations were found between temperament, reactivity, and the hormone concentrations (r<0.19), but regression analysis indicated a possibility of predicting temperament from the reactivity score and hormone concentrations (P<0.08). There was also a tendency for relationships between extremes in temperament (desirable vs. undesirable) and the hormone concentrations (P<0.09), and between extremes in reactivity (low vs. high) and the hormone concentrations (P=0.08). The difference in ratings among riding instructors indicates a need for more collaboration between instructors when evaluating horse temperament. This study also indicates that it was very difficult to objectively determine the suitability of horses for therapeutic riding programs regarding their temperament and reactivity, probably because other traits (e.g., smoothness of gait) are also considered very important.
Keywords: Horses; Therapeutic riding; Temperament; Cortisol; Catecholamines
Aurich, J., Wulf, M., Ille, N., Erber, R., von Lewinski, M., Palme, R., et al. (2015). Effects of season, age, sex and housing on salivary cortisol concentrations in horses. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., .
Abstract: Abstract Analysis of salivary cortisol is increasingly used to assess stress responses in horses. Since spontaneous or experimentally induced increases in cortisol concentrations are often relatively small for stress studies proper controls are needed. This requires an understanding of factors affecting salivary cortisol over longer times. In this study, we have analysed salivary cortisol concentration over 6 mo in horses (n = 94) differing in age, sex, reproductive state and housing. Salivary cortisol followed a diurnal rhythm with highest concentrations in the morning and a decrease throughout the day (P < 0.001). This rhythm was disrupted in individual groups on individual days; however, alterations remained within the range of diurnal changes. Comparison between months showed highest cortisol concentrations in December (P < 0.001). Cortisol concentrations increased in breeding stallions during the breeding season (P < 0.001). No differences in salivary cortisol concentrations between non-pregnant mares with and without a corpus luteum existed. In stallions, mean daily salivary cortisol and plasma testosterone concentration were weakly correlated (r = 0.251, P < 0.01). No differences in salivary cortisol between female and male young horses and no consistent differences between horses of different age existed. Group housing and individual stabling did not affect salivary cortisol. In conclusion, salivary cortisol concentrations in horses follow a diurnal rhythm and are increased in active breeding sires. Time of the day and reproductive state of the horses are thus important for experiments that include analysis of cortisol in saliva.
Keywords: horse; cortisol; diurnal rhythm; reproduction; housing
Ayala, I., Martos, N. F., Silvan, G., Gutierrez-Panizo, C., Clavel, J. G., & Illera, J. C. (2012). Cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline serum concentrations in relation to disease and stress in the horse. Research in Veterinary Science, 93(1), 103–107.
Abstract: No detailed comparative data are available on the hormonal parameters of horses suffering from a number of diseases. The aim of our study was to measure concentrations of cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline in horses with various diseases and following surgery, to assess the response of the HPA axis and adrenal medulla. Blood samples were obtained from six groups of horses comprising a total of 119 animals as follows: laminitis, acute abdominal syndrome (AAS), castration surgery, acute diseases, chronic diseases and healthy controls. Serum hormonal concentrations were determined for each group for comparison. Statistically significant differences between all groups and controls were found for cortisol, ACTH (except for castration), serotonin and adrenaline concentrations but only in horses with laminitis and AAS for noradrenaline. No statistically significant differences were found between males and females. The largest changes in the pituitary–adrenal axis activity occurred mainly in acute diseases, laminitis and in the AAS group.
Batt, L. S., Batt, M. S., Baguley, J. A., & McGreevy, P. D. (2009). The relationships between motor lateralization, salivary cortisol concentrations and behavior in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behaviour, 4(6), 216–222.
Abstract: The degree of lateralization (LI) indicates both the direction and strength of a paw preference. Here, a positive value is indicative of a right paw bias, and a negative value of a left paw bias. Higher numbers on the positive side of the scale and lower numbers on the negative side of the scale indicate a greater strength of that lateralization. The strength of motor lateralization (|LI|) is the absolute value of the LI. The use of absolute value removes directionality (i.e., does not indicate left or right paw bias) and instead indicates only the strength of the paw preference. Both LI and |LI| have been associated with behavioral differences in a range of species. The assessment of motor lateralization in the dog can be conducted by observing the paw used to perform motor tasks. Elevated cortisol concentrations have been associated with fearfulness in many species. Additionally, fearfulness and boldness can be assessed in response to so-called temperament tests. Consequently, in this study we examine the relationship between lateralization, temperament test results, and cortisol concentrations in 43 potential guide dogs, of which 38 were Labrador retrievers and 5 were golden retrievers. Over a 14-month period, the current study assessed motor lateralization and salivary cortisol concentrations 3 times (approximately 6 months of age, 14 months of age, and after the dogs' performance in the guide dog program had been determined) and behavior twice (approximately 6 and 14 months of age). This study is the first to examine the relationship between behavior, lateralization, and cortisol concentrations in dogs. It implemented an objective and quantifiable assessment of behavior that may be of use to a variety of dog-focused stakeholders. Findings show that during the Juvenile testing period (6 months of age), dogs with higher cortisol concentrations were typically less able to rest when exposed to the unfamiliar testing room. Results from both Juvenile and Adult Test (14 months of age) periods showed that a greater |LI| and LI were associated with more confident and relaxed behavior when dogs were exposed to novel stimuli and unfamiliar environments. Significant elevations of cortisol concentrations were found at the completion of guide dog training when compared with results from the 2 prior test periods. This finding may reflect maturation or the effect of the prolonged kenneling which occurred during this period.
Keywords: Dog; temperament; motor lateralization; cortisol; behavior; cortisol EIA
Carlsson, H. - E., Lyberg, K., Royo, F., & Hau, J. (2007). Quantification of stress sensitive markers in single fecal samples do not accurately predict excretion of these in the pig. Research in Veterinary Science, 82(3), 423–428.
Abstract: All feces produced during 24 h were collected from five pigs and cortisol and immunoreactive cortisol metabolites (CICM), and IgA were quantified. Within pigs, the concentrations of CICM and IgA varied extensively between random samples obtained from a single fecal dropping, and deviated in most cases significantly from the true concentration measured in total fecal output (CV 6.7–130%). The CICM and IgA contents varied considerably (CV 8.1–114%) within and between individual fecal droppings from the same pig compared to the total fecal excretion. In conclusion, single random samples could not be used to reliably quantify the total fecal concentration or excretion of CICM or IgA in pigs. Analyses of all feces collected during shorter periods than 24 h did not provide an accurate estimate of the daily excretion of CICM. Thus, the concentration of stress sensitive molecules in random single fecal samples as an indicator of animal welfare should be interpreted with prudence.
Keywords: Cortisol; Immunoglobulin A; Stress; Pigs; Feces; Animal welfare
Cerasoli, F., Podaliri Vulpiani, M., Saluti, G., Conte, A., Ricci, M., Savini, G., et al. (2022). Assessment of Welfare in Groups of Horses with Different Management, Environments and Activities by Measuring Cortisol in Horsehair, Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Hybrid Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (Vol. 12). Animals, 12(14).
Abstract: Horses have always been animals used for companionship, work, transportation, and performance purposes over the history of humanity; there are different ways of managing horses, but studies on how horse welfare is influenced by different activities and managements are scanty. Understanding how the management, the environment, and the different uses of horses can affect the level of stress and well-being is important not only for people associated with horses. Three groups of horses with different management, environments, and activities were selected: (1) stabled horses ridden frequently, (2) horses that perform public order service under the Italian state police, and (3) free-ranging horses. Cortisol analysis was carried out on horsehair samples using liquid chromatography coupled to hybrid orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS/MS), a laboratory technique used for the first time to quantify horsehair cortisol. The selection of horses to be included in the three groups was carried out by including only subjects with positive welfare assessment in accordance with the horse welfare assessment protocol (AWIN). These analyses demonstrated that the cortisol levels detected in the horsehair of free-ranging animals were significantly higher compared to those detected in stabled and working horses. These results may have been a consequence of complex environmental, managerial, and behavioral factors, which should be worth further investigation
Keywords: cortisol; animal welfare; horse; Lc-Hrms/Ms
Dalmau, A., Ferret, A., Chacon, G., & Manteca, X. (2007). Seasonal Changes in Fecal Cortisol Metabolites in Pyrenean Chamois. J Wildl Manag, 71(1), 190–194.
Abstract: We studied seasonal changes in fecal cortisol metabolites (FCM), which have been widely used as indicators of stress, in a population of Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) in the Cadí Range of northeastern Spain. We collected fecal samples from 2001 to 2003 in 3 particular locations with different altitudes and male or female presence, and we analyzed them for FCM and fecal nitrogen as an indicator of diet quality. We observed a clear seasonal pattern, with the highest FCM in winter, and we obtained correlations between FCM and monthly mean minimum temperatures and fecal nitrogen. We observed no effects of tourism presence, trophy hunting, or rut season on FCM. Analysis of cortisol metabolites in feces can be a good measure of winter stress in Pyrenean chamois.
Dreschel, N. A., & Granger, D. A. (2009). Methods of collection for salivary cortisol measurement in dogs. Horm. Behav., 55(1), 163–168.
Abstract: Salivary cortisol has been increasingly used as a measure of stress response in studies of welfare, reaction to stress and human–animal interactions in dogs and other species. While it can be a very useful measure, there are a number of saliva collection issues made evident through studies in the human and animal fields which have not been investigated in the canine species. Collection materials and the volume of saliva that is collected; the use of salivary stimulants; and the effect of food contamination can all dramatically impact cortisol measurement, leading to spurious results. In order to further examine the limitations of the collection method and the effects of collection material and salivary stimulant on salivary cortisol levels, a series of clinical, in vitro and in vivo studies were performed. It was found that there is a large amount of inter- and intra-individual variation in salivary cortisol measurement. Beef flavoring of collection materials leads to unpredictable variability in salivary cortisol concentration. Using salivary stimulants such as citric acid also has the potential to affect cortisol concentration measurement in saliva. Hydrocellulose appears to be a useful collection material for salivary cortisol determination. Recommendations for collection materials and use of salivary stimulants are presented.
Keywords: Dog; Canine; Salivary cortisol; Methods; Measurement; Stress
Erber, R., Wulf, M., Aurich, J., Becker-Birck, M., Rose-Meierhöfer, S., Möstl, E., et al. (2012). Physiological stress parameters in sport horse mares transferred from group housing to individual stabling. In K. Krueger (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting (Vol. in press). Wald: Xenophon Publishing.
Abstract: Initial equestrian training and especially first mounting of a rider are stressful challenges for young horses (1). Most young horses are raised in groups but, in association with equestrian training, they are commonly transferred to individual stabling in loose boxes. Although, in most stables, visual contact with horses in adjacent boxes is possible, separation from the herd might be an additional stressor. We have studied physiological stress parameters, in 3-year-old sport horse mares (n=8), transferred from a group stable with access to a paddock to individual boxes without paddock. Once stabled in the individual boxes, mares underwent a standard training for young horses. Horses had been accustomed to lunging and tolerating a rider on their back several weeks before the study. Mares were studied from 5 days before to 5 days after changing the stable. Cortisol concentration in saliva, locomotion activity (ALT pedometers), heart rate (HR) and HR variability (RMSSD: root mean square of successive beat-to-beat intervals) were determined. We hypothesized that the change of the stable increases cortisol release and is associated with changes in HR and RMSSD and reduced locomotion. Before mares were moved to individual boxes, cortisol concentration showed a pronounced diurnal rhythm with values around 0.6 ng/ ml in the morning and a continuous decrease throughout the day. When the mares were moved to individual boxes, cortisol concentration increased to 1.8±0.2 ng/ml and did not return to baseline values within 6 h (p<0.05 over time). On subsequent days, a diurnal rhythm was re-established but shifted to a higher level than before. Locomotion activity determined by ALT pedometers was increased for some minutes only after mares has been placed in individual boxes but was only slightly higher than during the time mares spent with the group in a paddock. On days 2-5 in individual boxes, locomotion activity was reduced compared to the group stable. HR increased and the HRV variable RMSSD decreased when mares were separated. In conclusion, separating horses during initial training from their group is an additional stressor, although the stress is less pronounced than induced by other social challenges, e.g. weaning of foals (2). When stabled in individual boxes, mares move less than when kept as a group. Horses kept in a group thus appear to exercise themselves freely, such an effect is absent when the animals are kept individually.
Flauger, B. (2011). The introduction of horses into new social groups with special regard to their stress level. Ph.D. thesis, , .
Abstract: Horses are a highly social species living in complex social systems which should require them to memorise and generalise social experiences and distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics. In the main part of my thesis I concentrated on the specific conflict situation of a horse being introduced into a new social group, and investigated its behaviour and stress level. Horses were either introduced (1) immediately, (2) after an observation period, or (3) together with an integration horse after an observation period. Additionally, in the second part of my thesis I arranged several experiments to elaborate additional aspects which could affect the behaviour of horses during introductions. In this study I could describe a simplified method for measuring stress through the analysis of faecal GCMs in horses. An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for 11-oxoaetiocholanolone using 11-oxoaetiocholanolone-17-CMO: BSA (3?,11-oxo-A EIA) as antigen showed high amounts of immunoreactive substances. The new assay increases the accuracy of the test and lowers the expenses per sample; also storing of samples at room temperature after collection is less critical. This is a big advantage both in the field of wildlife management of equids and in the field of equestrian sports (chapter 1). Comparing the different introduction techniques, the introduction with an integration horse led to significantly less total interactions and lower levels of aggression than the introduction of single horses, both immediately and after several days of observing the new group. Additionally, by observing the behaviour of the horses during everyday sociality I could develop a formula describing the interrelationship between expected aggression level and enclosure size per horse. The curve takes an exponential shape. Starting from a space allowance of 300 m2 and more per horse, the amount of aggressions per hour approaches zero. For the reduction of aggression levels and injury risks in socially kept horses I recommend an enclosure size of at least 300 m2 per horse (chapter 2). I further investigated the stress level of the introduced animals. Horses which were immediately introduced did not show elevated faecal GCMs. In contrast, horses which were introduced after an observation period had slightly elevated values 2 and 3 days after the introduction. For horses introduced together with an integration horse faecal GCMs were significantly above the baseline value on the day of introduction and 1 day after it. These differences between introduction techniques indicate that the introduction event itself is not as stressful as previously assumed. Rather standing together with an integration horse and not being able to integrate immediately into the complete group elicits stress in horses (chapter 3). In the commentary of chapter 4 several studies are discussed which failed to demonstrate social learning in horses. It is argued that they did not consider important aspects which could have an influence, such as the dominance status or the social background of the horses (chapter 4). In chapter 5 a social feeding situation was investigated. The social rank as well as the position of conspecifics affected the feeding strategy of horses. Domestic horses used social cognition and strategic decision making in order to decide where to feed. When possible they tended to return to the same, continuously supplied feeding site and switched to an ?avoidance tendency? in the presence of dominant horses or when another horse was already feeding there (chapter 5). One possibility to recognize group members is through olfactory recognition. In chapter 6 it is shown that horses are able to distinguish their own from their conspecifics? faeces. In addition, they paid most attention to the faeces of those group members from which they received the highest amount of aggressive behaviour (chapter 6). Horses show cognitive abilities because they are able to use humans as local enhancement cues when searching for food, independently of their body posture or gaze consistency when the persons face them. Moreover, they seem to orientate on the attention of familiar persons more than of unfamiliar persons (chapter 7). Altogether, the results of this thesis provide further support for the view that horses show good conflict resolution strategies. They are perfectly able to deal with the conflict situation of being introduced to new group members, and the introduction event itself is not as stressful as previously assumed. It is rather suggested that standing together with an integration horse and not being able to integrate immediately into the complete group elicits stress in horses. All additional experimental set-ups could demonstrate that horses are well capable of social cognition.
Keywords: Pferd; Equiden; Eingliederungstechnik; Integrationspferd; Stress; Cortisol; Endokrine Reaktion; Gruppenhaltung; Verletzungsgefahr; Aggression; Futterplatzwahl; Kot; Geruchssinn; Mensch-Pferd Interaktion; horse; equids; introduction technique; integration horse; stress; cortisol; endocrine response; group housing; injury risk; aggression; feeding decision; faecal sample; olfaction; human-horse interaction