Versace, E., Morgante, M., Pulina, G., & Vallortigara, G. (2007). Behavioural lateralization in sheep (Ovis aries). Behav. Brain. Res., 184(1), 72–80.
Abstract: This study investigates behavioural lateralization in sheep and lambs of different ages. A flock was tested in a task in which the animals were facing an obstacle and should avoid it on either the right or left side to rejoin flock-mates (adult sheep) or their mothers (lambs). A bias for avoiding the obstacle on the right side was observed, with lambs apparently being more lateralized than sheep. This right bias was tentatively associated with the left-hemifield laterality in familiar faces recognition which has been documented in this species. Differences between adult sheep and lambs were likely to be due to differences in social reinstatement motivation elicited by different stimuli (flock-mates or mothers) at different ages. Preferential use of the forelegs to step on a wood-board and direction of jaw movement during rumination was also tested in adult animals. No population bias nor individual-level lateralization was observed for use of the forelegs. At the same time, however, there was a large number of animals showing individual-level lateralization for the direction of jaw movement during rumination even though there was no population bias. These findings highlight that within the same species individual- and population-level lateralization can be observed in different tasks. Moreover, the results fit the general hypothesis that population-level asymmetries are more likely to occur in tasks that require social coordination among behaviourally asymmetric individuals.
Giljov, A., & Karenina, K. (2019). Differential roles of the right and left brain hemispheres in the social interactions of a free-ranging ungulate. Behav. Process., 168, 103959.
Abstract: Despite the abundant empirical evidence on lateralized social behaviours, a clear understanding of the relative roles of two brain hemispheres in social processing is still lacking. This study investigated visual lateralization in social interactions of free-ranging European bison (Bison bonasus). The bison were more likely to display aggressive responses (such as fight and side hit), when they viewed the conspecific with the right visual field, implicating the left brain hemisphere. In contrast, the responses associated with positive social interactions (female-to-calf bonding, calf-to-female approach, suckling) or aggression inhibition (fight termination) occurred more likely when the left visual field was in use, indicating the right hemisphere advantage. The results do not support either assumptions of right-hemisphere dominance for control of various social functions or hypotheses about simple positive (approach) versus negative (withdrawal) distinction between the hemispheric roles. The discrepancy between the studies suggests that in animals, the relative roles of the hemispheres in social processing may be determined by a fine balance of emotions and motivations associated with the particular social reaction difficult to categorize for a human investigator. Our findings highlight the involvement of both brain hemispheres in the control of social behaviour.
Vlajkoviç, S., Nikoliç, V., Nikoliç, A., Milanoviç, S. žA., & Jankoviç, B. D. (1994). Asymmetrical Modulation of Immune Reactivity in Left- and Right-Biased Rats After Ipsilateral Ablation of the Prefrontal, Parietal and Occipital Brain Neocortex. International Journal of Neuroscience, 78(1-2), 123–134.
Abstract: We report here on the lateralized brain immunomodulation in male Wistar rats, a phenomenon related to the rotational bias of animal and the site of cortical lesion. Rats assigned to left- and right-rotators in a cylindrical Plexiglass rotometer were subjected to the ablation of the ipsilateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), parietal cortex (PC) and occipital cortex (OC) and sensitized with bovine serum albumin (BSA) in complete Freund's adjuvant. Intact and sham-lesioned left-biased animals demonstrated increased Arthus and delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions and antibody production to BSA in comparison with corresponding right-biased animals. PFC ablation decreased humoral and cellular immune responses to BSA in left- but increased in right-biased rats. Lesioning of PC decreased humoral immune reactions in left- but increased in right-rotating animals. OC ablation failed to produce immunological abnormalities, These results suggest that immunopotentiation is associated with the left neocortex, and immunosuppression with the right neocortex. The prefrontal cortex appears to be particularly associated with immune reactions.