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Author (up) Hemelrijk, C.K.; Hildenbrandt, H.
Title Self-Organized Shape and Frontal Density of Fish Schools Type Journal Article
Year 2008 Publication Ethology Abbreviated Journal Ethology
Volume 114 Issue 3 Pages 245-254
Abstract Abstract Models of swarming (based on avoidance, alignment and attraction) produce patterns of behaviour also seen in schools of fish. However, the significance of such similarities has been questioned, because some model assumptions are unrealistic [e.g. speed in most models is constant with random error, the perception is global and the size of the schools that have been studied is small (up to 128 individuals)]. This criticism also applies to our former model, in which we demonstrated the emergence of two patterns of spatial organization, i.e. oblong school form and high frontal density, which are supposed to function as protection against predators. In our new model we respond to this criticism by making the following improvements: individuals have a preferred ‘cruise speed’ from which they can deviate in order to avoid others or to catch up with them. Their range of perception is inversely related to density, with which we take into account that high density limits the perception of others that are further away. Swarm sizes range from 10 to 2000 individuals. The model is three-dimensional. Further, we show that the two spatial patterns (oblong shape and high frontal density) emerge by self-organization as a side-effect of coordination at two speeds (of two or four body lengths per second) for schools of sizes above 20. Our analysis of the model leads to the development of a new set of hypotheses. If empirical data confirm these hypotheses, then in a school of real fish these patterns may arise as a side-effect of their coordination in the same way as in the model.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Blackwell Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1439-0310 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5202
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Author (up) Hoffmann; G.
Title Bewegungsaktivität und Stressbelastung bei Pferden in Auslaufhaltungssystemen mit verschiedenen Bewegungsangeboten Type Manuscript
Year 2008 Publication Dissertation Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Pferdehaltungssysteme mit angrenzenden Ausläufen gelten als eine sehr tiergerechte

Haltungsform, da sie den Tieren eine gewisse Bewegungsmöglichkeit

bieten. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, zu erfassen, ob der angrenzende

Auslauf selbst einen ausreichenden Anreiz zur Bewegung darstellt und wie sich verschiedene

Bewegungs- und Platzangebote auf die Bewegungsaktivität von Pferden

in einer Gruppen-Auslaufhaltung auswirken. Zudem wurde ermittelt, welche Auswirkung

die Bewegungsform bzw. –intensität auf das Wohlbefinden der Tiere hat.

Der Großteil der in Deutschland gehaltenen Pferde verbringt die meiste Zeit des

Tages im Stall, obwohl mittlerweile bekannt ist, dass Pferde unter natürlichen

Haltungsbedingungen 12 bis 16 Stunden des Tages in Bewegung verbringen. Der

Optimierung der Stallhaltungssysteme gilt daher ein besonderes Interesse.

Zu diesem Zweck wurden von September 2004 bis Oktober 2005 Versuche mit 24

Warmblutstuten im Alter von 1½ bis 3½ Jahren in Einzel- und Gruppen-

Auslaufhaltungssystemen durchgeführt. Jeweils sechs Pferde bildeten eine Versuchsgruppe.

In jeder Gruppe fanden fünf Varianten von einer ca. dreiwöchigen

Dauer statt. Die Gruppenhaltung wurde dabei durch drei unterschiedliche Zusatzbewegungsangebote

(2 Std. Weide / Tag, 2 Std. unbegrünte Koppel / Tag, 1 Std. Freilauf-

Führanlage / Tag) ergänzt. In der Einzel-Auslaufhaltung (Box mit 45 m²-großem

angrenzenden Auslauf) und in einer Versuchsvariante der Gruppenhaltung bekamen

die Pferde hingegen keine zusätzliche Bewegung außerhalb des Stallhaltungssystems

angeboten. Das Gruppenhaltungssystem selbst war durch die räumliche

Trennung der Funktionsbereiche (Liegen, Fressen, Trinken, Bewegen) gekennzeichnet

und der angrenzende Auslauf war 270 m² groß. In einer zusätzlichen Versuchsphase

fand in der Gruppenhaltung eine Erweiterung des permanent zugänglichen

Auslaufs auf insg. 540 m² statt.

Die Bewegungsaktivität wurde mit Pedometern erfasst, die an jeweils einem Hinterbein

der Pferde befestigt wurden und ergänzend fand eine Analyse von Videoaufzeichnungen

statt. Zur Beurteilung der Stressbelastung fanden Messungen der Herz192


frequenzvariabilität (Parameter HF und SD2) und der fäkalen Cortisolmetabolitenkonzentration


Die Auswertung des Bewegungsverhaltens ergab, dass eine zusätzliche zweistündige

freie Bewegung der Pferdegruppe auf einer Weide zu einer deutlichen

Steigerung der durchschnittlichen Bewegungsaktivität (149,6 Min. / Tag) führt,

ebenso wie eine einstündige Bewegung in einer Führanlage (173,0 Min. / Tag). Eine

unbegrünte Koppel regte die Pferde der Gruppenhaltung hingegen nicht zu vermehrter

Bewegung an (131,6 Min. / Tag), sondern bewirkte z. T. sogar eine Abnahme

der Bewegungsaktivität. In der Gruppen-Auslaufhaltung ohne zusätzliches Bewegungsangebot

war die Bewegungsaktivität ebenfalls gering (125,8 Min / Tag) und

während der Einzel-Auslaufhaltung ohne Zusatzbewegung zeigten die Pferde die

geringste Bewegungsaktivität (102,3 Min. / Tag).

Bei der alleinigen Analyse der Bewegungszeit im Stallhaltungssystem war kein signifikanter

Einfluss der zusätzlichen Bewegung außerhalb des Stallsystems auf die

übrige Fortbewegung feststellbar.

Auch eine Vergrößerung des an den Stall angrenzenden Auslaufs im Gruppenhaltungssystem

hatte keinen steigernden Einfluss auf das Bewegungsverhalten der


Die Stressbelastung der Pferde war in den Varianten der Gruppenhaltung mit zweistündigem

Weidegang (SD2: 82,9 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten: 29,0 nmol / kg Kot) sowie

der einstündigen Bewegung in einer Freilauf-Führanlage (SD2: 99,2 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten:

27,7 nmol / kg Kot) am geringsten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten eine

Stresszunahme in der Gruppenhaltung mit zweistündigem Auslauf auf einer unbegrünten

Koppel ohne Futterangebot (SD2: 101,3 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten:

39,6 nmol / kg Kot) sowie in der Variante der Gruppenhaltung ohne zusätzliches Bewegungsangebot

(SD2: 113,3 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten: 38,4 nmol / kg Kot). Dem

Mittelwert der Gruppe nach zu folgern hatten die Pferde während der Einzelhaltung

ohne Zusatzbewegung eine sehr große Stressbelastung (SD2: 123,8 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten:

37,5 nmol / kg Kot). Ein Vergleich der Gruppen- und Einzelhaltung hinsichtlich

der Herzfrequenzvariabilität hat jedoch gezeigt, dass insg. 70 % der Pferde

während der Haltung in einer Gruppe weniger Stress empfinden. Es gab aber auch

Zusammenfassung 193

Pferde (30 %), die in der Einzelhaltung eine abnehmende Stressbelastung zeigten,

wobei hier der Einfluss der Rangordnung eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen


Durch die Auswertung mehrerer Messparameter (sowohl für Stress- als auch für Bewegungsverhalten)

werden gleichgerichtete Tendenzen bei den Versuchsvarianten

deutlich, allerdings ist eine eindeutige Gewichtung der Parameter nicht möglich.

Somit ist die methodische Vorgehensweise dieser Untersuchung sehr positiv und als

notwendig anzusehen, da die Messdaten auch immer gewissen Schwankungen

durch externe Einflüsse unterliegen.

Allgemein ist festzuhalten, dass Auslaufhaltungssysteme zwar eine gewisse

Anregung zur Bewegung bieten, aber mit maximal vier Stunden (insg. 62 – 248 Min.)

Bewegung pro Tag war der tägliche Anteil an Bewegung sehr viel geringer als

beispielsweise bei Pferden in freier Wildbahn oder ganzjähriger Weidehaltung. Somit

deckt ein Auslaufhaltungssystem trotz getrennter Funktionsbereiche und eines

großen Auslaufs nicht den Bewegungsbedarf der Pferde, wenn keine zusätzlichen

Bewegungsanreize und –möglichkeiten angeboten werden.

Eine zusätzliche Bewegung von Pferden ist nicht nur zur Gesunderhaltung des

Bewegungsapparates und der Körperfunktionen notwendig, sondern auch um das

Wohlbefinden und die Ausgeglichenheit der Pferde zu steigern.

[Horse husbandry systems with close-by discharge are considered to be a very livestock-

friendly housing form, as they offer a certain movement opportunity for the

animals. The aim of the present study was to examine how different movement and

space offerings affect the movement activities of horses in a group horse husbandry

with close-by discharge, and whether the discharge provides itself an adequate

incentive for movement. The impact that the form or rather intensity of movement has

on the wellbeing of the animals was also established.

Most of the horses held in Germany spend most of the day in the stable, although it is

meanwhile known that horses under natural housing conditions are 12 to 16 hours of

the day in motion. Therefore the improvement of stable housing systems applies a

special interest.

For this purpose, 24 warmblood mares, aged from 1½ to 3½ years, were studied in

single and group discharge husbandry systems from September 2004 until October

2005. Six horses formed an experimental group. In every group five variants of approximately

three weeks were proceeded. Thereby the group husbandry was supplemented

with three different additional movement opportunities (2 h pasture / day,

2 h non-grassy pasture land / day, 1 h free range horse walker / day). In the single

discharge husbandry (single box with 45 sq. m-large close-by discharge) and in one

experimental variant of the group husbandry got the horses, however, offered no additional

movement outside the husbandry system. The group husbandry system itself

was marked by the spatial division of the functional areas (lying, eating, drinking,

moving) and the close-by discharge measured 270 sq. m. In an additional phase of

the study, and expansion of the permanently accessible close-by discharge to

540 sq. m was found.

The movement activity was documented with pedometers attached respectively to

one hind leg of the horse and a supplementary analysis of video documentation. To

evaluate the stress exposure measurements of heart frequency variability (parameters

HF and SD2) and of the faecal cortisol metabolite concentration were performed.

Summary 195

The interpretation of the movement behaviour showed that additional two hours of

free movement on a pasture led to a significant increase in the average movement

activity (149.6 min / day), as well as one hour movement in a horsewalker did

(173.0 min / day). The non-grassy pasture land, however, didn’t inspire the horses of

the group husbandry to increased movement (131.6 min / day), but sometimes even

caused a decrease in movement activity. In the group discharge husbandry without

additional movement opportunities the movement activity was also low

(125.8 min / day), and during the single discharge husbandry without additional

movement the horses showed the least movement activity (102.3 min / day).

In analysing only the movement time in the stable system was no significant impact

of the additional movement outside the housing system to the rest of locomotion


As well an expansion of the close-by stable discharge in the group husbandry system

had no increasing influence on the movement behaviour of the horses.

The stress exposure of the horses was least in the variations of group husbandry

with two hours on a pasture (SD2: 82.9 ms; cortisol metabolites: 29.0 nmol / kg faeces)

as well as one hour of movement in a free range horse walker (SD2: 99.2 ms;

cortisol metabolites: 27.7 nmol / kg faeces). The studies showed a rise in stress in

group husbandry with two hours of movement on a non-grassy pasture land without

feeding opportunity (SD2: 101.3 ms; cortisol metabolites: 39.6 nmol / kg faeces) as

well as in the variation of the group husbandry without additional movement offerings

(SD2: 113.3 ms; cortisol metabolites: 38.4 nmol / kg faeces). Judging from the mean

of the group the horses had a very high stress exposure in the variation of the single

husbandry without additional movement offerings (SD2: 123.8 ms; cortisol metabolites:

37.5 nmol / kg faeces). But a comparison of the group and single husbandry in

terms of the heart frequency variability showed that alltogether 70 % of the horses

experienced less stress if hold in a group. However, some horses (30 %) showed

reducing stress in the single husbandry, whereas here the influence of social hierarchy

seems to play a decisive role.

196 Summary

In consequence of the examination of several measuring parameters (both for stressand

for movement behaviour) parallel aligned tendencies become apparent in the

experimental variants, however, is a unique weighting of the parameters not possible.

Thus, the methodological approach of this study is to be regarde as very positive and

necessary, since the data always vary with some fluctuations by external influences.

In general it can be established that discharge husbandry systems offer some incentive

for the horse to move, but with a maximum of four hours (overall 62 – 248 min) of

movement per day, the daily proportion of movement was much less than, for example,

in the case of wild horses or year-round pasture keeping. Thus, if no additional

movement incentives and possibilities are offered, the discharge husbandry system

doesn’t cover the movement needs of the horse despite separate functional areas

and a large outside discharge.

Additional movement is not only necessary to keep the musculoskeletal system and

bodily functions of the horse healthy, but also to ensure the horse’s well being and

mental balance.]
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5660
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Author (up) Hopkins, H.
Title The Assategue of the West Project: An introduction to a 5-year logitudinal study of Immunocontraceptive use on America's Wild Horses Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract The Humane Society United States (HSUS) has been partnering with several prominent researchers for over 20 years to assess the potential use of Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP), a protein used as a fertility control vaccine for wild horses. Past studies on herds located on barrier islands of the eastern United States have demonstrated that PZP prevented pregnancies and was a valuable tool for population management. With the generous support of the Annenberg Foundation and in partnership with the Science and Conservation Center, Tufts University and The University of Toledo, HSUS is conducting a 5-year longitudinal study to assess the effectiveness of immunocontraception on over 600 wild horses in the western United States.

This project involves 2 herds of over 300 wild horses each located in Utah and Colorado. We began gathering pre treatment data in April 2008. Birth rates, band size, and individual horse identifications were recorded. In the winter of 2008/2009 both herds will be captured and all mares that are released will be treated with a 2-year-duration PZP vaccine. Both herds will be closely monitored for reproduction and behavior changes for 3 years. We will record the differences in reproductive success of treated and untreated (not captured) females.

HSUS is also seeking to develop refinements to the PZP vaccine and delivery technologies. HSUS is currently trying to improve the production of the PZP vaccine by producing it with techniques that are more efficient and less costly. Improving delivery methods for the 2 year drug is another goal of this research that may allow herd managers the flexibility of treating mares year round without having to capture it. HSUS also hopes to demonstrate that incorporating this new delivery method and proactively managing wild horse herds will assist in maintaining wild horse populations at a level that is sustainable and manageable.
Address The Humane Society United States, 7727 Hawthorne Dr, Cheyenne WY 82009,Heidi Hopkins, hhopkins@hsus.org
Corporate Author Hopkins, H. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Talk 15 min IESM 2008 Approved yes
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4496
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Author (up) Hoppitt, W.; Laland, K.N.
Title Social processes influencing learning in animals: a review of the evidence Type Journal Article
Year 2008 Publication Adv Study Behav Abbreviated Journal
Volume 38 Issue Pages 105-165
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Hoppitt2008 Serial 6260
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Author (up) Hothersall, B.
Title Preliminary studies on visuo-spatial cue use in horses Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract A number of discrimination learning studies suggest that horses attend to spatial cues in preference to visual ones. However, global and relative spatial cues have generally been confounded so it is not clear what information horses actually used. There has also been no study of whether one cue is learnt at the expense of another, or whether multiple cues are encoded but prioritised differently. We therefore carried out a series of studies examining how horses use different cues in learning a food-finding discrimination task. All studies used a criterion for success of 7/10 on two consecutive days (binomial test, p=0.0004).

A pilot study showed that horses could discriminate between three buckets using visual cues (striped, chequered or plain patterns). All four subjects performed significantly above chance levels, although one horse’s performance did not meet the criterion. Three others completed the task in between two and 12 sessions. There were some indications that horses tried to solve the task using irrelevant spatial information.

Nine foals were then taught to find a food reward using the same three patterned buckets placed in a row in any corner of a test arena. In Stage 1 the rewarded bucket was signified both by visual cues (pattern) and by relative spatial cues (left, middle or right position). Foals took between 2 and 10 days to complete the task , whereupon the cues were separated. Foals then had to ignore the inappropriate cue in Stage 2. For the Spatial group (n=5), only relative position remained relevant; for the Visual Group (n=4) bucket pattern indicated the rewarded bucket. Spatial group foals completed Stage 2 faster than Visual group foals (Mann Whitney U, z=-2.71, p=0.008). Position cues seemed to overshadow learning about visual cues: Visual group foals persisted in responding to the previously correct position and none reached criterion within the maximum available time (15 days to complete both stages).

Finally, five adult horses and one 10 month old filly learnt to find a reward in one of three identical yellow buckets whose position in an array (left, middle or right) and location within the test arena were consistent. On reaching criterion, responses were recorded in two unrewarded probe trials where the buckets were either shifted along the same axis or rotated by 90º. When the array was shifted, five out of six horses chose the previously correct position (binomial test, p=0.018) that was now in a new location within the school. Choices were not significantly different from random when the array was rotated, suggesting that the horses had learnt something about global cues even if they did not use them in selecting a bucket.

At the small scale tested, relative spatial cues (position with regard to other goals) seemed to be more important to horses than either visual cues or global spatial cues, though the latter appeared to be encoded to some extent. Reliance on spatial cues may reflect their usefulness in the horse’s natural lifestyle in navigating over long distances and feeding on visually similar plants.
Address University of Bristol, Clinical Veterinary Science
Corporate Author Hothersall, B. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Talk 15 min IESM 2008 Approved yes
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4493
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Author (up) Houpt, K.A.
Title Maternal behavior in horses Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Mares quickly form a bond with their foals, probably within the first hour. They lick the foal usually beginning at the tail end, then the head and later the body of the foal. Licking behavior disappears within the first hours in most mares. Once the bond is formed the mare will let no other foal nurse and stays within a meter of the foal most of the time during the first week. The foal follows her when awake, but when he sleeps she stands over him. As the foal matures the distance the mare maintains from the foals get longer and she may graze as he sleeps. The bond of the mother to the foal gradually weakens as revealed by her response to separation from the foal. Weaning usually takes place shortly before the birth of the next foal. Some mares will attempt to steal foals and this can lead to injury of either the mares or the foal. Because of the strong and exclusive bond of most mares to their foal, foal rejection is especially abnormal. It occurs in some breeds more frequently than others, indicating a heritable component. Arabian mares reject 5% of their foals and other breeds reject less than 2%. There are three types of foal rejection- simple fear of the foal that can be quickly solved by holding the mare so the foal can suckle. The mare learns that nursing is pleasurable. This process usually takes only a few hours of holding the mare because foals suckle so frequently- about four times an hours. The second form of foal rejection is avoidance of tactile stimulation of the inguinal fold. When the foal attempts to suckle he usually strikes that skin fold and causes the mare to cow kick and move away. Desensitization to stimulation of the inguinal fold can solve this problem in a few hours. Treatment is more complex and longer for mares that are aggressive to the foal even when it does not touch them. This type of foal rejection can be treated with drugs that inhibit dopamine such as acepromazine-not the alpha adrenergic agent xylazine. Dopamine inhibits the pituitary hormone prolactin, a putative maternal hormone, which increases milk production. Blocking dopamine will increase prolactin. The mare should always have visual contact with the foal, but be restrained so she can not bite or kick the foal. A pole across the stall confining the mare against a wall is best. Maternal behavior can be induced in non-pregnant mares using injections of estrogen, progesterone, and the dopamine inhibitor sulpiride. Once lactation begins cervical stimulation can be used to elicit maternal behavior toward the next foal the mare sees.
Address Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
Corporate Author Houpt, K.A. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Invited speaker IESM 2008 Approved yes
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4456
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Author (up) IESM 2008 Test
Title Presentation without Fulltext Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM Conference Volume Abbreviated Journal
Volume 1 Issue Pages 5-10
Abstract Example of abstract

Example text example text example text example text example text example text example

text example text example text example text example text example text example text example

text example text example text example text example text example text example text.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes IESM 2008 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4366
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Author (up) Innes, L.; McBride, S.
Title Negative versus positive reinforcement: An evaluation of training strategies for rehabilitated horses Type Journal Article
Year 2008 Publication Applied Animal Behaviour Science Abbreviated Journal Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci.
Volume 112 Issue 3–4 Pages 357-368
Keywords Horse; Training; Positive reinforcement; Negative reinforcement; Stress; Rehabilitation
Abstract Rescued equids are often exposed to rehabilitation and training (or retraining) programmes to improve their physical and psychological well-being as well as to facilitate the re-homing process. Training uses either positive or negative reinforcement learning procedures and it is considered here that, there may be welfare implications associated with using the latter technique as it has the potential to overlay acute stress on animals with a chronic stress life history. The aim of this study, therefore, was to compare these training strategies (negative versus positive reinforcement) on equine behaviour and physiology as the first step in establishing an optimal rehabilitation approach (from a welfare perspective) for equids that have been subjected to chronic stress in the form of long-term neglect/cruelty. Over a 7-week period, 16 ponies (aged 6–18 months) were trained using either positive (‘positive’) (n = 8) or negative reinforcement (‘negative’) (n = 8) techniques to lead in hand, stand to be groomed, traverse an obstacle course and load into a trailer. Heart rate was measured (5 s intervals) on days 1 and 4 of each training week, ‘Pre’- (1 h), ‘During’ (0.5 h) and ‘Post’- (1 h) training session. Ethograms (10.00–20.00 h) outside of the training period were also compiled twice weekly. In addition, weekly arena tests (as a measure of reactivity) were also performed 1 week before and during the 7 weeks of training. Results showed significant differences between the two training schedules for some measures during the latter stages of the trial and suggested that animals trained under a positive reinforcement schedule were more motivated to participate in the training sessions and exhibited more exploratory or ‘trial and error’ type behaviours in novel situations/environments. In this context, the incorporation of positive reinforcement schedules within a rehabilitation programme may be of benefit to the animal from a welfare perspective.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0168-1591 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5644
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Author (up) Jacobs, A.; Maumy, M.; Petit, O.
Title The influence of social organisation on leadership in brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus fulvus) in a controlled environment Type Journal Article
Year 2008 Publication Behavioural Processes Abbreviated Journal Behav. Process.
Volume 79 Issue 2 Pages 111-113
Keywords Animals; *Decision Making; Dominance-Subordination; *Exploratory Behavior; Female; Group Structure; *Leadership; Lemur/*psychology; Male; Sex Factors; *Social Environment
Abstract Studies on leadership during group movements in several lemur species showed that females were responsible for the travelling choices concerning time and direction. Interestingly, in these species females are dominant over males. We investigated the influence of social organisation upon leadership processes by studying a lemur species in which social organisation is characterized by the absence of female dominance: the brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus fulvus). The study was conducted on a semi-free ranging group of 11 individuals and the analysis performed on 69 group movements showed that all the individuals could initiate a group movement. In 34 cases, the whole group moved. There was no significant difference in the number of start attempts or in the number of group members involved from one initiator to another. Moreover, there was no effect of sex or age of the initiator on the number of individuals following it or on the speed of the joining process. Therefore, the leadership observed is widely distributed to all group members. These results support the hypothesis of an influence of social organisation upon the decision-making processes but still remain to be studied in a more relevant ecological context.
Address IPHC-DEPE, Equipe d'ethologie des primates, UMR 7178, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-Universite Louis Pasteur and Centre de Primatologie, Strasbourg, France
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0376-6357 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:18586413 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5127
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Author (up) Jørgensen, G. H.M.; Borsheim, L.; Mejdell, C. M.; Bøe, K. E.
Title Social interactions and spacing in horses (Equus caballus) grouped according to gender Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the social behaviour and spacing between horses when grouped according to gender in homogeneous- or heterogeneous groups, and to see if the amount and severity of aggression differed in relation to gender composition.

A total of 66 horses divided in six batches were used. In each batch, horses were allotted into one mare group, one gelding group and one mixed gender group, with most groups consisting of three or four animals. Three batches were performed on Icelandic horses and three batches on riding horses and -ponies. After 4-6 weeks of acclimatisation, a trained observer recorded all social interactions using direct, continuous observation one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon for three consecutive days. In addition, the nearest neighbour of each horse was recorded using instantaneous sampling every 10 minutes. The horses were inspected for injuries before grouping, day one after grouping and after 4-6 weeks. Furthermore, a novel object test and a handling test (taking horse out of group) were conducted after the behavioural observations were completed.

No significant effect of gender composition was found on social interactions, spacing or injuries. Most of the aggressive interactions recorded were threats, and not aggressive interactions involving physical contact. Aggression seemed to increase with decreased space per animal and more horses per feeding place. Very few injuries were found and most were superficial. Horses showed a low degree of fearfulness in the novel object test and most horses were easy to handle in the “horse out of group test”.

In conclusion, gender composition does not seem to have any effect on aggression level, spacing or injuries in social groups of horses.
Address 2National Veterinary Institute, Department of Animal Health, P.O. Box 750 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo, Norway.
Corporate Author Jørgensen, G. H.M. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Talk 15 min IESM 2008 Approved yes
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4489
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