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Author Leiner, L.
Title Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Angstextinktion bei Pferden Type Manuscript
Year 2006 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Pferde sind Fluchttiere. Ihr Fluchtinstinkt bewirkt, dass sie sich leicht erschrecken und auch in

diversen Situationen mit Flucht reagieren. Diese Tatsache ist den meisten Reitern bekannt,

nur ist es für den Menschen teilweise schwer, mit dieser Eigenschaft auszukommen und sie zu

verstehen oder gar nachzuvollziehen. So kommt es häufig zu Unfällen, die aus der Angst der

Pferde resultieren, jedoch vermeidbar gewesen wären, hätte man ankündigende Signale früher

erkannt. Des Weiteren kann die Angst eines Pferdes auch durch eine (Ver-) Weigerung,

bestimmte Dinge zu tun, sichtbar werden. Diese Weigerung wird in der Reiterei gerne als

„Bockigkeit“ und „Ungehorsam“ des Pferdes interpretiert und führt nicht selten zu einer

Bestrafung. Insgesamt kann man sagen, dass angstauslösende Reize und die Reaktionen des

Pferdes darauf oft falsch eingeschätzt oder falsch interpretiert werden und in der Folge auch

falsch damit umgegangen wird. Ein Grund dafür ist sicher das fehlende Wissen über das

Verhalten des Pferdes. Mit der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit soll ein Beitrag geleistet werden,

das Pferd in seinem Angstverhalten besser zu verstehen. Ziel der Arbeit war es, das Verhalten

des Pferdes bei verschiedenen Intensitäten von Angst zu untersuchen. Des Weiteren wurden

Methoden untersucht, mit denen man die Angst von Pferden vor bestimmten Reizen und

Situationen potentiell lindern kann, was letztendlich auch der Unfallvorbeugung dient.

Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit wurde am Haupt- und Landesgestüt Marbach durchgeführt; 24

Junghengste standen hierfür zur Verfügung. Darunter waren 18 Deutsche Warmblüter, 3

Vollblutaraber und 3 Schwarzwälder Füchse (Kaltblüter), somit war auch ein Rassenvergleich


In einem ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie sich Angst bei Pferden äußert. Hierfür

wurde ausgenutzt, dass Pferde ganz generell vor unbekannten, neuen Gegenständen Angst

haben (= Neophobie). Zur Angstauslösung dienten als Konfrontationsgegenstände ein

Sonnenschirm und eine Plastikplane. Beide Gegenstände waren für die Testpferde unbekannt.

Das Verhalten sowie die Herzrate der Tiere wurden während aller Versuche beobachtet und

quantifiziert. Nacheiner ersten Konfrontation wurden die Pferde an die Objekte gewöhnt

(Extinktionstraining = Angstlöschung) und beobachtet welche Verhaltensymptome sich

während dieser Gewöhnung (= Verlust der Neophobie) verändern. Die Hypothese war, dass

tatsächliche Angstsymptome während der Gewöhnung immer seltener zu beobachten sind.

Zusammenfassung III

Als Verhaltensweisen für Angst konnten Ausweichbewegungen und Flucht, Lautäußerungen

(Prusten und Schnauben), das Anspannen der Halsmuskulatur sowie das Vordrücken der

Oberlippe identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass Abstufungen im

Angstverhalten möglich sind: Bei sehr hohem Angstlevel sind Fluchtreaktionen zu

beobachten. Bei mittlerem Angstlevel treten Ausweichbewegungen im Schritt und

Lautäußerungen (Prusten und Schnauben) auf, bei geringem Angstlevel wird die

Halsmuskulatur angespannt und die Oberlippe vorgedrückt.

Im Zweiten Teil der Arbeit sollten verschiedene Methoden zur Angst-Extinktionauf ihre

Wirksamkeit hin untersucht werden. Verwendet wurde in verschiedenen Testgruppen die

Methode der Desensibilisierung (d.h. leichte, schrittweise stärker werdende Exposition

gegenüber dem angstauslösenden Reiz), die Desensibilisierung mit Gegenkonditionierung

(positive Verstärkung) durch Streicheln bzw. Reiben des Halses und die Desensibilisierung

mit Gegenkonditionierung durch Futterbelohnung. Als Kontrollgruppe dienten Pferde, die

ohne eine Konfrontation mit dem angstauslösenden Reiz nur über den Versuchplatz geführt


Während des Extinktionstrainings konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Desensibilisierung mit

Gegenkonditionierung zu einer schnelleren Extinktion führt als ohne Gegenkonditionierung.

Allerdings zeigte ein Vergleich mit der Kontrollgruppe, die das Extinktionstraining nicht

erfahren hatte, den gleichen Verlust an Angstverhalten wie die Gruppen mit Extinktionstraining.

Dieses Ergebnis wurde so interpretiert, dass die wiederholte Exposition gegenüber

angstauslösenden Reizen bei den durchgeführten Verhaltenstests zwar eine Rolle spielt, doch

dass auch allein die Beschäftigung mit den Tieren zu einem Verlust von Angstverhalten führt

(wahrscheinlich auch aufgrund eines wachsenden Vertrauens zur Führperson, die über das

komplette Experiment hin die Gleiche blieb).
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Diploma thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6205
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Author Ginsberg, J.R.
Title Social organisation and mating strategies of an arid adapted equid: The Grevy`s zebra. Type Manuscript
Year 1988 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 268 pp
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Princeton University Place of Publication Princeton Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number refbase @ user @ Serial 766
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Author Wasilewski A.
Title 'Friendship' in ungulates? – Sociopositive relationships between non-related herd members of the same species Type Manuscript
Year 2003 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract http://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~z-phylog/wisstaff/wasi-sum.htm


* The quantitative study presented here demonstrates and verifies for ungulates the existence of social bonds, which in humans are termed 'friendships'. Whereas 'friendships' in non-human primates have become increasingly accepted over the past 30 years, their existence in non-primates remained as yet to be proved.

* The investigation was conducted on ungulates, because like primates the majority of their species are highly social; at the same time they are phylogenetically distant to the primates. To date, research into the social behaviour of ungulates in general, and of domestic species in particular, focuses predominantly on agonistic (socionegative) components, such as conflicts and resulting dominance hierarchies; sociopositive behaviours have been largely neglected.

As a consequence, previous evidence in favour of 'friendships' among ungulates remained largely anecdotal. Studies explicitly investigating sociopositive relationships among herd members are rare and typically confound bonds based on 'friendships' with reproductive relationships (kinship and sexually motivated bonds).

* Of each of the two large ungulate orders two species were investigated: horses and donkeys (Perissodactyla, Equidae) and sheep and cattle (Artiodactyla, Bovidae). The comparative, individual-based (and hence highly discriminative) longitudinal approach addressed all three levels of social organisation: associations, interactions and bond patterns within social units. Due to its systematic, quantitative, individual-based and comparatively broad design, this work may be considered to some degree a 'pioneering study'. As a consequence, a substantial amount of time and effort was required, particularly with respect to developing methods for the collection and analysis of data.

* Two reasons led to conducting this study on domestic ungulates: For farm animals information about who is related to whom is usually readily available, facilitating discrimination between friendship and kinship. Furthermore, successful proof of 'friendships' among ungulates would imply practical consequences for animal husbandry, since a social environment accommodating the animals' psychosocial needs is an essential prerequisite for their well-being (ethical reasons for animal protection) and ultimately results in higher productivity and hence economic efficiency (anthropocentric reasons for animal protection).

* Field research was conducted in England. Cattle and sheep were studied under commercial husbandry conditions, whereas appropriately large herds of horses and donkeys could only be found at a sanctuary.

* Two to three herds of each of the four species, namely cattle, sheep, donkeys and horses, comprising 11 to 60 members (average herd size approx. 25) were studied in two consecutive years (1996: 36 weeks, 1997: 28 weeks). The herds of cattle mainly consisted of subadult females, whereas those of the other species were predominantly composed of adults. Equids were kept in mixed-sex herds of mares and geldings (castrated males); the bachelor flocks of sheep consisted of 'intact' males (rams). The data presented here are based on 234 individuals and approximately 1500 hours of observation.

* Since even human social psychology provides neither a consistent definition nor a universally applicable terminology, it was necessary to establish a generally valid, precise definition of 'friendship'. Care was taken to exclude characteristics containing a bias as to the function of friendships (criteria were limited to those regarding contents and form). The definition contains all relevant criteria including those necessary for discrimination against alternative sociopositive relationships.

Friendship is defined as a voluntary, reciprocal, non-reproductive bond between individuals. It is primarily dyadic and carries a subjective value to both participants. Friendship is characterised by positive affect ('affection') and is expressed in a consistent inter-individual preference.

This definition is applicable to social relationships among both human and non-human animals, as well as interspecific relationships.

* Two types of parameters were used as indicators of 'friendship': frequency of spatial proximity (nearest neighbours; consistent neighbour preferences as a reflection of associations) and frequencies of different spontaneous as well as experimentally induced sociopositive interactions. For different reasons, of the four kinds of interactions (social grooming s.l., resting in physical contact, sharing limited feed, documenting behaviours s.l.) only grooming and feed sharing proved reliable.

* Aspects of the animals' spontaneous behaviour were recorded for all herds and in both years, whereas husbandry conditions demanded that complementary experiments be restricted to a few selected herds only. Data were collected using different Sampling and Recording Techniques, which were usually combined for maximum efficiency (e.g. Scan Sampling with nearest neighbour data, Ad libitum Sampling and Continuous Recording with sociopositive interactions).

* Data were subjected to an extensive statistical analysis. In addition to commonly used uni- and bivariate methods (Binomial and Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Tests, bivariate Correlations and Mantel Tests) a number of multivariate statistics were applied (Multidimensional Scaling, hierarchical Cluster Analysis, partial Correlations and multiple Mantel-Tests). Dyadic data are best represented as matrices; matrix data, however, pose the difficulty of partial interdependence, requiring Randomisation Tests (such as the one developed by Mantel) for their analysis. The complexity and amount of neighbour data required the development and optimisation of a 'customised' evaluation software (NENESYS = NEarest NEighbour SYstematic Standardisation programme) in close interdisciplinary cooperation with computer scientists and mathematicians.

* Seven different aspects of 'ungulate friendships' were addressed. The presented results differ in extent and depth.

1. Demonstration and verification of friendships in ungulates

2. Quantification of inter-individual preferences

3. Situation-specific aspects of these preferences

4. Dynamics and duration of friendships

5. Asymmetry within the relationships

6. Conditions enhancing friendships

7. Functions of animal friendships

* All four species expressed distinct inter-individual ('personal') preferences both for certain neighbours and for specific partners for sociopositive interactions. Endeavouring to present conservative and hence reliable assessments, only those neighbour preferences exceeding a threshold criterion were considered as associations. As the set-up of the study ensured that these associations met the criteria outlined in the definition of 'friendship' by excluding alternative bases for bonds (such as kinship and sexual motivation = reproductive relationships), the first explicit attempt at verifying the existence of friendship can be considered successful for all four species of ungulates examined. As a consequence, the concept of 'friendship' needs to be extended beyond the order of primates.

* Due to methodological reasons, the frequencies of interactions are only semi-quantitative and hence can be compared within herds only.

Frequencies of spatial proximity, on the other hand, provide a fully quantitative indicator, enabling direct comparisons across species, between different herds of the same species and between individuals. Due to the 'spatial limitations' of this thesis, it mainly focuses on inter-species comparisons.

With the exception of donkeys, the species could be arranged in sequence of increasing values of three parameters characterising their associative structure: maximum strength of association, maximum group size and proportion of herd members associated in distinct groups. Cattle showed the lowest values in all three parameters, sheep were intermediate, and horses reached the highest values. In these three species the strength of their associations was positively related to group size and the proportion of individuals associated in distinct groups. The donkeys did not fit this pattern: On the one hand, their association pattern comprised the lowest proportion of associated members and the smallest groups (pairs); on the other hand, these pairs exhibited very strong associations.

* Comparing inter-individual preferences across up to four different situations clear interspecific differences became evident. Some of these were greater between species of the same order than between orders.

The comparison of structures of association during grazing to those during resting, revealed two distinct patterns: Herds of horses and sheep flocks divided themselves into separate, usually mutually exclusive and independent groups and their associations corresponded greatly in both situations. Donkeys and cattle, on the other hand, formed diffuse, incomplete associative networks. The proportion of associations corresponding in both situations was far lower than in horses and sheep.

In all four species frequencies of social grooming s.l. (sheep are generally believed not to engage in social grooming, but see below) were compared to proximity frequencies during grazing and resting; and additionally to frequencies of feed sharing in the equid species.

Whereas horses restricted their sociopositive interactions entirely (grooming) or mostly (feed sharing) to members of their own group, cattle showed very little if any correspondence between partner preferences when grazing, resting and grooming. Donkeys spread their preferences widely across herd members, 'typically' approaching individuals for grooming with whom they were not associated during either grazing or resting. Considering their patterns of feed sharing, two different types of behaviour became evident: Pairs of donkeys that were closely associated during both grazing and resting, preferentially shared feed between them, whereas the remaining herd members did not discriminate between associates and non-associates when sharing feed. For sheep the findings of this study substantially increased the likelihood that unidirectional head rubbing and reciprocal cheek-to-cheek contact serve to strengthen 'personal' bonds and reduce tension – two functions generally attributed to social grooming. Both behaviours occurred mostly, but not exclusively, within groups of associated animals; these associations corresponded largely during grazing and resting.

* Results indicate that different types of social interactions and associations during different activities, respectively, may be particularly suited to initiate, consolidate and intensify friendships and occur particularly frequently during different phases of friendship formation and development. In horses, for instance, social grooming appears to some extent to be associated with the initiation of bonds, whereas resting in close proximity seems to strengthen newly formed relationships.

The longitudinal character of the study permitted to trace existing bonds over a maximum of 18 months. The duration of bonds in horses and sheep was comparable to findings of other authors for herds whose social networks resulted from a mixture of bonds based on both friendship and kinship; cattle relationships lasted shorter than described in the literature, while those in donkeys turned out to be approximately twice as long as had been documented to date.

* Aspects of asymmetry within dyadic relationships become particularly evident in grooming behaviours in bovids, which are typically performed unilaterally (social licking in cattle and head rubbing in sheep). Both behaviours can occur either spontaneously or as a consequence of solicitation.

* Addressing the question of factors potentially encouraging friendships, relationships between the degree of similarity with respect to some physical characteristics and nearest neighbour frequencies were found to be statistically significant. Cattle of similar age associated more closely, and horned rams preferred other individuals with horns as neighbours. The widely accepted preference of horses for associates of similar coat colour (and height) was not verified.

It remains to be decided whether (in addition to this preference for similar individuals) a preference based on complementary characteristics does exist.

* Following a critical review of the methodology employed, the benefits ungulates derive from friendships and possible applications for animal husbandry are discussed. Very little convincing evidence of a (direct) concrete, practical benefit was found. A psychological benefit in the form of social / emotional support, on the opposite, became highly probable.

Anecdotal evidence indicates, that situations causing a state of anxiety, may favour the initiation and intensification of friendships. Moreover, the study was able to statistically prove connection between (roughly) simultaneous introduction to a new herd (novel social environment) and persisting associations (as an indicator of friendships) in horses and sheep. These findings suggest that ungulate friendships provide a feeling of security. Social / emotional support among friends is predominantly given in a passive manner, e.g. in the form of – both literally and metaphorically – standing by a friend during conflicts with a third party, followed by social grooming with the friend. Social grooming has been shown by other authors to reduce physiological symptoms of stress. In addition, external signs of relaxation indicate a decrease in psychological tension. Hence, psychological support enhances the animal's physical health (and ultimately increases its biological fitness), providing an indirect practical benefit.

* Since all larger species of farm animals are highly social ungulates, the demonstration and verification of friendships implies consequences for husbandry practice. Intensive husbandry conditions are characterised by high animal densities, resulting in increased social stress, and grouping of animals of similar ages, which interferes with or prevents the formation and maintenance of bonds between kin. As friendships develop preferentially between individuals of similar age, they can be accommodated with relatively little effort when deciding about regrouping. The study presented here provides explicit recommendations to interested stockpersons on how to expeditiously and efficiently identify existing friendships and on which aspects to take into account when regrouping established herds or introducing new members.

* The different aspects of the study and their complex and often interwoven interrelations are condensed into a 'Regelkreismodell'. This model facilitates the generation of precise hypotheses for future research. Further detailed investigation into a variety of questions raised by this study seems in many ways promising and rewarding.

* The successful demonstration and verification of the existence of friendship in ungulates requires an extension of the 'concept of friendship' beyond the order of primates and encourages more detailed research into the bonding behaviour of other social vertebrates (e.g. elephants, dolphins, carnivores and also parrots).

* This extension demands a reinterpretation of some behaviours which so far have been unsatisfactorily or controversially classified, such as social head or horn rubbing in sheep, which has been mentioned occasionally, but received very little attention in the literature. Due to its occurrence during aggressive interactions, some authors consider horn or head rubbing to be agonistic. Others suppose the preorbital gland to play a significant role in this type of interaction and interpret head or horn rubbing as a 'respectful gesture' (adopting the dominant sheep's individual scent).

The study presents the first description of cheek-to-cheek contact in sheep. These cheek contacts are unequivocally sociopositive in nature. Since they are frequently associated with head rubbing, a third interpretation of head rubbing behaviour is offered by classifying both behaviours within the context of social grooming s.l.. More detailed examinations of these behaviours will be conducted as part of a research project into the evolution of the bovidae.
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher University of Marburg Place of Publication Marburg Editor
Language German Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number refbase @ user @ Serial 824
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Author Boyd, L,
Title The behavior of Przewalski's horses Type Manuscript
Year 1988 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Cornell University Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes from Professor Hans Klingels Equine Reference List Approved no
Call Number Serial 970
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Author Mccort Wd,
Title The behavior and social organization of feral asses on Ossabaw Island, Georgia PhD thesis, Pensylvania State U Type Manuscript
Year 1980 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Pensylvania State U Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes from Professor Hans Klingels Equine Reference List Approved no
Call Number Serial 1375
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Author Moehlman Pdr,
Title Behavior and ecology of feral asses (Equus asinus) Diss Univ of Wisconsin Type Journal Article
Year 1979 Publication Abbreviated Journal Nat. Geo. Soc. Res. Rep.,
Volume Issue Pages 405-411
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Univ of Wisconsin Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Thesis 1974 Approved no
Call Number Serial 1398
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Author Schilder, M.B.H.
Title Social behaviour and social arganization of a herd of plains zebra in a safari park Type Manuscript
Year 1990 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Place of Publication University of Utrecht Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes from Professor Hans Klingels Equine Reference List Approved yes
Call Number Serial 1566
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Author Welsh Da,
Title Population, behavioural, and grazing ecology of the Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Type Manuscript
Year 1975 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Dalhousie University Place of Publication Halifax Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes from Professor Hans Klingels Equine Reference List Approved no
Call Number Serial 1702
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Author King, S.R.B.; Gurnell, J.
Title Behavioural ecology of Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskii) reintroduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia Type Manuscript
Year 2002 Publication Queen Mary, University of London Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 2320
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Author VanDierendonck, M.C.
Title Social contact in horses: implications for humanhorse interactions Type Manuscript
Year 2006 Publication The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses Abbreviated Journal
Volume Chapter 2 Issue Pages
Abstract Feral horses are social animals, which have to rely on survival strategies centered on the formation of cohesive social bonds within their bands. Many problems in the husbandry of social animals such as horses, are due to the fact that the limits of their adaptive abilities are exceeded. Evidence suggests that the fundamental social characteristics of domestic horses have remained relatively unchanged. The social structure, social strategies and social interactions were investigated (3 non-consecutive years, 24 hr per day for several weeks) in long term established groups of domestic horses (mares and geldings of all ages) and a few small introduced groups, kept in (semi)natural environments. The general aim was to investigate the social needs of domestic horses. The social life of domestic horses was characterised by long lasting bonds with preferred partners which were established and maintained by allogrooming, play, proximity and dominance behaviours. Bonding partners were mainly found within the same sex-age group, but adult geldings also bonded with sub-adult mares and geldings. Adult mares were clustered in a group, while the other animals formed a second group. Among the adult mares, subgroups according to reproductive state were formed. Individuals regulated their social network by interfering with interactions between other members of the herd, which in itself is complex. An intervention is a behavioural action of one animal that actively interferes with an ongoing interaction between a dyad with the apparent aim of altering that interaction. This was verified by post-hoc analyses of disturbed and undisturbed interactions. Interventions in allogrooming or play were performed significantly more often when at least one member of the initial dyad was a preferred partner of, or familiar to (within the small introduced bands) the intervener. The stronger the preferred association in allogrooming between the intervener and member(s) of the initial dyad, the higher the probability the intervener would displace one initial member and continue allogrooming with the other. Just five behaviours were extracted which reliably reflected the dominance relations among horses. Aggression with the hind quarters was used both offensively and defensively and therefore not suitable as a reliable parameter. Individual dominance relationships were related to social experience. The implications of these findings for horse husbandry were assessed. It is argued that the execution of affiliative behaviours may be rewarding in itself, and therefore always will be a highly motivated behaviour. It is shown that social positive physical interactions (allogrooming, play) with other horses is an ethological need and therefore indispensable in modern husbandry systems. Ethological needs are so important for the animal that husbandry systems that lack the possibilities to execute such behaviours will cause chronic stress. It is concluded that all horses need physical social contact, and that horses, which lack appropriate social learning experiences during ontogeny, may be hampered in their social functioning later in life. Solutions for problems, including dominance problems, in individual social housing and group housing are presented.
Corporate Author Thesis (down) Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Universiteit Utrecht Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 2367
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