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Author Zimmermann, W.; Zimmermann, M.
Title Operation unterm Kranichhimmel Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up)
Abstract Auf dem herbstlichen Zug in den Süden rasten bis zu 80 000 Kraniche im Hortobágy Nationalpark im Osten Ungarns. Das einst von Wildtieren besiedelte Gebiet ist heute eine Kulturlandschaft aus Feldern und Weiden, wo seltene Haustierrassen wie Zackelschaf, Graurind und Noniuspferde grasen, die von Hirten mit ihren Hunden gehütet werden. Die noch erhaltenen Steppengebiete zeichnen sich durch eine große Vielfalt in Flora und Fauna aus. Sie sollen möglichst wenig betreten werden, damit vor allem die bodenbrütenden Vögel, wie z.B. die seltene Großtrappe nicht gestört werden. Deshalb wurde die Kernzone – das Pentezug-Gebiet (2400 ha) – mit Przewalskipferden und „Auerochsen“ zur natürlichen Beweidung besetzt. Bereits in den ersten Jahren fiel es auf, dass das Rind deutlich schlechter an die kalte Jahreszeit angepasst ist als das Wildpferd. Deshalb wurden beide Arten besendert, um Körpertemperatur und Herzschlagfrequenz zu messen. Außerdem sollten Gras- und Kotanalysen Aufschluss über die Unterschiede in der Futterverwertbarkeit liefern.

Der Film zeigt die chirurgische Arbeit im Feld und vermittelt einen Eindruck über die Funktion der Sender. Außerdem werden die neuen Bemühungen vorgestellt, aus dem Heckrind eine robuste Rinderrasse zu züchten, die dem Auerochsen noch ähnlicher sieht.

Ein Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, die klimatischen Grenzen zu erkennen, in denen die „Auerochsen“ einen Winter ohne Zufütterung überleben können. Diese Rinderrasse wird verstärkt zur Beweidung in Naturschutzgebieten eingesetzt, ihren Bedürfnissen wird aber nicht immer Rechnung getragen.
Corporate Author Zimmermann, W.; Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Deutsch Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Public Day Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5572
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Author Bouskila, A.; de Vries, H.; Hermans, Z.M.; van Dierendonck, M.
Title Leadership roles in movements of free-roaming Konik horses (Equus caballus) in a Dutch reserve Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up)
Abstract We observed the activity and movements of Konik horses (Equus caballus) in order to determine the initiators of movements and the individuals taking the lead in movements of the main groups. We conducted our observations between March-June 2010 along the shores of the Rhine river, in the Blauwe Kamer reserve, in the Netherlands. The horses were introduced to the reserve alongside with cattle to prevent the growth of the forest and maintain the grass habitat. We videotaped all observations on two digital video cameras, one providing the general view of the group and the other scanning and focusing on the individuals, to aid with identification. Horses were recognized based on individual profiles that were created for each one, consisting of photos of both sides and notes of the main characters, such as orientation and coloration of the mane, prominent scars and markings, etc. Twenty three horses (not counting foals) were organized in two harem groups with 11 individuals (two of which were dominant stallions) in the large group and six individuals (one of which was a stallion) in the second group. These two main groups were always within sight of each other, and two bachelor males moved usually in their vicinity. An additional group of three young bachelor males roamed elsewhere in the reserve. We divided the movements of the horses to local movements while grazing and to long-distance movements, in which the horses moved to a different grazing location, to a pond of water, resting area or groups of trees that were used by the horses for scratching themselves. During the local movements, any two of the three oldest females in the large harem group were enough to cause the whole group to follow them and gradually change position within the pasture. The smaller harem always followed the large harem’s movements. The long-distance movements of the large harem were sometimes initiated by one of the harem stallions that herded their group and at other times – by the oldest females. Soon after the movement was clearly initiated, the dominant stallions positioned themselves in the back of the group or in the center and had no influence on the direction of move that was only determined by the leading females. In the long-distance movements too, the small harem followed the large harem group, and the two bachelor males usually followed behind them. Social interactions included aggressive interactions between the two dominant males within the large harem or between dominant stallions and the two bachelor males accompanying the two harems. In addition, dominant males courting or attempting to mate with mares sometimes caused a turmoil that eventually initiated movement of the harems. KW -
Corporate Author Bouskila, A. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.;
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5592
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Author Szarka, A.; Nagy, K.; Maros, K.
Title Approaching a horse, approaching a human: Tolerating and seeking human contact in pastured horses Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up)
Abstract We tested untrained horses (foals and breeding mares) in 3 different breeding centres. Horses were kept in a pasture during daytime in bigger groups (median 12, min: 6, max 35 / pasture) according to age, gender and breed (hungarian halfbred, hucul, arabian and thoroughbred). To measure their reactions to an unfamiliar person we conducted an active and a passive human test. In the active human test the test person (TP) approached a focal animal in the group from a predetermined direction: from their front, from their side (left or right) or from the rear. As TP reached the horse (of app. 0.5 m distance), she tried to pet the animal’s head. The TP always chose and approached a standing or a grazing horse (ie. those that were not walking, galloping, playing etc.). The horse’s reaction to the approaching human was scored 1-5. Score 1: the horse moved away and the TP could not even approach it within 0.5 m; Score 2: the horse made max. 2 steps away, but could be reached and petted; Score 3 and Score 4: the horse stood in its place but showed different signs of discomfort (head turn – Score 3; backing ears, tail slash – Score 4); Score 5: the horse stood and did not show any sign of discomfort or actively approached the TP. There was no significant difference in the horses’ reaction between approaching from their left or right side. Approaching from their front or from their side (left or right) did not differ significantly either. However, the odds of walking away from the TP (score 1 or 2) was 2.7 (Fisher-test, p=0.039) and 3.3 (p=0.012) times higher when TP approached from the rear compared to approaching from their front or from their side (left or right), respectively. In the passive human test the TP stood immobile for 4 minutes in 5 or 10 m far from the horses during their active (grazing) or inactive (standing idle during noon) period. Horses approached TP significantly sooner (general linear model, p=0.017) when she stood 5m distance (38 ±63 s) compared to 10m (97 ±52 s). The arrival of a second horse after the first horse approached the TP showed significant high correlation with the latency of the first horse arrival (Pearson correlation, r=0.96, p<0.001). The horses were less keen (p=0.008) to approach the human when they were tested in an inactive period (177 ±110 s) compare to active period (38 ±63 s).
Corporate Author Maros, K. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.;
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5594
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Author Lojek, J.; Lojek, A.; Zielinska, A.
Title Certain factors influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses (Equus caballus) in the Bierza National Park Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) Body Condition Scoring; free-ranging; Konik Polski horses; Biebrza National Park
Abstract The objective of the study was to analyze certain factors influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses in a fenced area measuring 200 ha located in the Biebrza National Park (Biebrza NP). The Body Condition Scoring system (BCS) was used not only as means of assessment of health and fitness of the horses but also for evaluation of the quality and productivity of the grazing area selected for horses, as well as stocking rate. Body Condition Scoring was determine with a 9-point scale by averaging the scores that were assigned to each of the six body areas that are most responsive to changes of body fat (Hennecke, 1983). The condition of horses was assessed 7 times from February 2009 to December 2011 on a total of 59 horses (3 stallions (n= 12 observations), 21 females 3–8 year olds (n=81) and 35 youngsters (up to 2 year olds) (n=88). The number (from 1 to 3) and composition of family bands varied throughout the period of investigation. The horse population in the Biebrza NP consist of horses from 3 different breeding centers. The analysis of variance (GLM) was used to investigate the effects of the fixed factors – weather conditions, family band, breeder of the horses, age and sex, on the mean of BCS points of horses (SPSS, version 19.0). The most important factor influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses in the Biebrza NP were weather conditions, what is shown by the data concerning temperature from 3-month period preceding condition scoring (P < 0.01). This factor influenced not only animals, but also vegetation characteristics. The highest BCS means of horses (5.09) were achieved when average temperature during the 3-month period preceding condition scoring amounted between +1 to +8°C, and was better than obtained when average temperature amounted +18°C (4.80). The last temperature seems too high for horses and can be connected also with other factors, like high incidence of insects which could deteriorate grazing activity of animals. The lowest BCS means (4.56) were obtained when mean temperature was below 0°C. Other factors had no significant effect on the BCS means. As concern to breeder, the highest BCS means achieved mares from Popielno (5.08) – the oldest Polish free-ranging population of Konik Polski horses, which confirms that horses from this breeding center are justly considered to be the toughest and well adapting to difficult environmental conditions. The horses from the Biebrza NP achieved also high BCS means (4.79) which prove that they were well suited to the specific conditions of this habitat, which is overgrown mostly with forest – 73,7%, and willow and birch shrubs – 13,3% of area. The grazing area measures about 40 hectares and consists of wetlands dominated by sedges (Carex sp.). The horses moved from the Seven Island Reservation to Biebrza NP achieved the poorest results as far as adaptation to the conditions of the new habitat, and reached the lowest BCS means (4.57). The youngest horses (up to 2 year olds), 3-5 year olds, and 6-8 year olds had similar BCS means (respectively 4.94, 4.83, 4.68) which indicates good acclimatization of horses from different age categories to the grazing resources in the Biebrza NP. The highest means achieved by youngest horses indicate important trait of Konik Polski horses – mare`s careful care of offspring. The BCS means of horses from different family groups show the highest value of horses from family group of the most experienced stallion – Mrok (4.97). In every BCS scoring, stallions achieved the highest means, which was the reason to exclude their results from analysis. The results of this study suggest that the Body Condition Scoring of horses in the Biebrza National Park depends primarily on the acclimatization of horses to harsh environmental conditions and less importantly to belonging to a specific breeder, family band, age or sex.
Corporate Author Lojek, J. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5504
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Author Hori, Y.; Takimoto, A.; Fujita, K.
Title Are there breed difference in referential behavior in horses (Equus caballus)? Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) breed difference, social behavior, referential behavior
Abstract Domesticated animals are characterized by variability of breeds. There is a great diversity in body size and/or coat color between different breeds. However, there are few scientific researches about difference in cognition and behavior between breeds. Comparison of behavior between breeds may be useful for the study of genetics behind the diversity of cognition and behavior. In the present study, we investigated behavioral differences between horse breeds. We tested two different breeds which have different histories, thoroughbreds and creoles. Thoroughbreds are racing horses which have been exposed to strict selection toward racing performance for about 300 years. Creoles are descendents of horses which were brought to South America by Spanish people in 15th century and used by native cowboys for riding. We compared the behavior in a difficult situation by using an “unsolvable task”. The experimenter put a food reward into a transparent box and closed it firmly so that horses could not take the reward. We compared the referential behavior (gazing behavior toward the experimenter) between thoroughbreds and creoles. We analyzed referential behavior by using generalized linear models (GLM) and model selection by Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). There were no effect of breed in the frequency and the duration of the referential behavior. But the latency before looking at the experimenter tended to be shorter in thoroughbreds than in creoles. This result suggests that there may be breed differences in horses’ social cognition and behavior. However, the effect of sex was also seen. Furthermore, we could not exclude the environmental effect (e. g. feeding environments, trainings) in this study. So we cannot explain the variation in referential behavior by breed effect only. We need to replicate the result by controlling environmental effects.
Corporate Author Hori, Y. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5509
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Author De Giorgio, F.; Schoorl, J.M.
Title Why isolate during training? Social learning and social cognition applied as training approach for young horses (Equus caballus) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) Cognitive approach; Horse training; Horse-Human relationship; Social environment; Social learning
Abstract In the last decade an increasing number of studies has been oriented towards equine social learning and their social behavior within the herd (Kruger‚ 2006-2008). In social species, social learning is important to learn and gain useful skills to move and live in their own social and environmental context. Group housing has been recognized as an important element to fulfill the physical and behavioral needs of horses, especially their need for social contact (Søndergaard‚ 2011). Still‚ when it comes to horse training, the social aspect and‚ in general‚ cognitive abilities of the horse are rarely taken into account. Although it is widely accepted that social isolation is stressful for horse (Mal et al, 1991a and 1991b) still isolating a young horse is the first step when it comes to training methods. Due to tradition and culture and our performance-oriented society it is both difficult to accept and apply a different social/cognitive training approach. Training sessions are focused on immediate results whereas in cognitive learning part of the process is latent and will not be visible immediately‚ but taking the cognitive skills into account plays an important role in avoiding tension both in the horse as in the human-horse interaction (Baragli and De Giorgio, 2011). In this study we tested the possibility to apply social learning by creating a social environment‚ favoring a cognitive learning approach‚ for the training of six young horses. The group existed in three males and three females, between two and three years old. All six showed initial difficulties and defense to human interaction. They were housed in two groups in adjacent spacious paddocks where they had ample opportunity to move and express their individual and social behavioral repertoire. Each horse had one training session per week without isolating it from the others. The training sessions were held following a cognitive-relational model defined as the equine-zooanthropologic approach (De Giorgio, 2010 – Marchesini, 2011). The learning objectives were to be able to handle each horse‚ conduct it‚ saddle and ride it within a maximum time-frame of two years. Every time a defensive or alert behavior would occur the training activity was re-arranged to not over-pressure the horse. Therefore the persons working with the horses carried out the activities without tight expectations focusing on the horses’ positive attention. After eighteen months all six horses were used to the saddle and to riding. None of the horses ever fled or showed defense behavior and in the case of unexpected events they showed no emotional reactivity/reactive behavior. Today the horses show the same calm behavior whenever worked individually. This preliminary study highlights how social learning applied to equestrian activity can be fundamental for safety and welfare and the establishment of a more problem-free relationship between horse and human. Safety as the defensive behavior seems to have been reduced and welfare as the horses have been trained in a social context without being isolated and thus without being stressed during the training experience.
Corporate Author De Giorgio, F. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5528
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Author Stanley, C.; Shultz, S.
Title Mummy’s Boys: Sex Differential Maternal Offspring Relationships in Semi-feral Horses Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) dispersal, Equus ferus caballus, social, maternal investment
Abstract In polygynous species with high reproductive skew in males, mothers often show differential investment between sons and daughters; however consistent sex differential investment has not been found by previous studies in horses. We investigated sex differences in mother-offspring relationships in nutritionally independent sub-adult semi-feral Carneddau Welsh mountain ponies Equus ferus caballus. Mothers and their sub-adult sons had consistently closer relationships than mothers and daughters. Stronger affiliative bonds between mothers and sons were quantified by their maintenance of closer proximity, higher rates of affiliative interactions and more frequent suckling bouts. These measures of affiliation were temporally associated with higher aggression levels directed towards sub-adults by other band members, particularly stallions. We suggest that aggression may serve as the proximate mechanism driving male dispersal in feral horses and that the stronger mother-son bond signals an attempt to delay their dispersal, highlighting conflict within the band concerning dispersal timing. Since males become increasingly central within the band over time, with mature stallions requiring excellent social skills in order to both acquire and keep a band of mares, we propose that delaying colts' dispersal allows for further development of these skills in a relatively safe environment. This additional investment is expected to maximise their reproductive success. This study illustrates how social network theory can be used to quantify individuals' social experiences, contributing to a greater understanding of the evolution of group living. It also gives us further insight into the mechanisms underlying dispersal in wild and semi-wild horse populations and how conflict often arises when individual needs differ.
Corporate Author Stanley, C. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5530
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Author Flauger, B.; Krueger, K.
Title Social feeding decisions in horses (Equus caballus) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) Feeding decision; Horse; Rank; Social behaviour
Abstract Like many other herbivores equids feed on rather evenly distributed resources. Especially in ruminants several studies have proved the influence of social organisations, rank, sex and the depletion of feeding sites on the feeding behaviour of individuals. However, it is not yet understood whether social aspects affect horses´ feeding decisions. Horses roam on vast habitats with constantly changing vegetation. In non-competitive situations domestic horses tend to return to the same feeding site until it is overgrazed. Whereas, for competition over limited food the social status of the individuals appears to be important. Curiosity about the influence of social rank and different social feeding conditions on the horses´ feeding decisions between two buckets, equally filled with high-quality surplus food, led us to create the test situation described here. The observer horses were alternately tested with a dominant and a subordinate demonstrator placed in one of three different positions. We conclude that domestic horses use cognitive strategic decision making in order to decide where to feed in a social feeding situation. When possible they tend to return to the same, continuously supplied feeding site and switch to an “avoidance tendency” when another horse is already feeding from it or in the presence of a dominant horse. Thus the position and the social rank of conspecifics affect the feeding strategy of horses.
Corporate Author Flauger, B. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5581
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Author Ermilina, J.A.
Title Dominance hierarchy in feral horses in Rostov Region Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) feral horse, island population, dominance, hierarchy
Abstract Horses maintain the social structure through the establishment of dominant-subordinate hierarchical relationships, both within and between groups. The object of study was the feral horse population, living on the Vodnyi Isl, Manych-Ghudilo Lake, on the territory of Rostov Region, S Russia the State Nature Biosphere Reserve “Rostov”. The social structure of this population is represented by the harem and bachelor groups, and their variety – the “mixed”groups, the presence and composition of which is atypical for the populations of feral horses. The main objectives of this work were to identify the hierarchical structure of different types of social groups and the role of the stallions in them, defining the dominance rank of animals. The method of continuous logging occurred aggressive reaction, ritualized interaction between stallions, take into account the direction of interactions between individuals. We observed 5 harem, 3 bachelor and 3 mixed groups. Each group was studied for a total of 60 h (8 h per group per days).Behavioral observations were carried out in summer 2009-2011. Based on the number and direction of aggressive interactions the hierarchical coefficient was calculated for individual horses (Ivanov et al, 2007). Harem group consists of an adult stallion (<5 years old) and a few mares with their offspring. Our observations of harem groups confirm the previously known information about this type of social groups (Berger, 1986; Carson, Wood-Gush, 1983, Keiper, 1983). Hierarchical system between mares is close to linear with reversal. The stallion is not included in the hierarchy of the mares; he is the leader and serves to maintain the integrity of the group and inter-group hierarchy, and has reproductive function. Bachelor groups consist of stallions 2-3 years and older who do not have their own harem. It is known that dominance hierarchy in these groups is linear, young males or males who recently had joined the group have low ranks (Berger, 1977; Houpt, Keiper, 1982; Kirillov Paklina, 1990). In observed bachelor groups dominant stallion have a significantly higher rank in the hierarchy. However, among other stallions is not always observed strict linear hierarchy – some individuals have very similar ranks. Function of managing the group and maintaining the intergroup hierarchy can be distributed among the all stallions in the group. Mixed groups are composed of several mature stallions, one or more mares (sometimes with the offspring). In the study population in this type of social groups animals may be mature (age 5 and older) and semi-mature (2-5 years). The hierarchy of these atypical groups has not been studied. In the studied 3 mixed groups stallions have very similar hierarchical rank, dominant and subordinate stallions share a function of managing the group, participation in ritualized interactions. Our studies have revealed the plasticity of the hierarchical structure of groups of horses and the need to further investigate the distribution of social roles among stallions.
Corporate Author Ermilina, J.A. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.;
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5580
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Author Spasskaya, N.N.
Title Results of investigations of an island population of the feral horse (Rostov Region, Russia) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords (up) feral horse, island population, social population structure, demography
Abstract A feral horse population inhabiting the Vodnyi Isl, Manych-Ghudilo Lake, on the territory of Rostov Region, S Russia, has been established in 1950s according to questionnaire data (Paklina, Klimov, 1990). It is a sole permanent grouping of feral horse known to exist in European Russia (Spasskaya, Spasskyi, 2007; Spasskaya, 2008). Range of this group is part of Federal Reserve “Rostovsky” established in 1995, and its monitoring has being been conducted since 2006. The principal aim of monitoring includes gathering data on demographic, spatial, and ethological structure of the island horse population, along with investigation of its phenotypic and ethological patterns. Analysis of previously published (Paklina, Klimov, 1990) and recently obtained data on the color patterns of the island horse indicate that they have become isolated supposedly about 18–20 years ago. Some trends in variation of several phenotypic traits indicate slight rising of inbreeding level in this population, including decrease in the horse withers height, changes in body proportions, increase of heterogeneity in body color patterns (size and number of head and leg spots), and increase of frequency of dental malformations, especially of false polydonty of P1 (Spasskaya et al., 2010). Principal demographic parameters of this population are similar in general to those known for other feral horse studied by now. However, several peculiar features of this population were revealed: its age structure appeared to be of steadily fading type judging by high proportion of mature individuals (64–72 %); high mortality rate of individuals of the first year of life (16–25 %); predominance of males among newborns with increase of population size. Ethological structure of the population included standard harem bands and bachelor groups, with few solitary animals (usually old or sick stallion). The most of individuals (58.2–84.3 %) were the part of harem bands, which appeared to be the most stable groupings. The harems were small in their numbers with predominatingly 3–8 individuals. The bachelor groups were inconstant in composition, their portion in population being not high (7.7–15.4 % of the total number). A lot of “mixed” groupings of various composition were recorded in the population during its high number phase: harem bands with several mature stallions; associations consisting of several harem bands; youth groupings consisting of approximately coeval stallions and mares. These “mixed” groupings appeared to be rather stable, with their total number reaching up to 25.8 % of the population. They however used to disappear with population number decrease. The Rostov population is characterized by absence of conspicuous home range of social groupings (Spasskaya, Shcherbakova, 2007; Spasskaya, 2009), so the latter form a united herd with minimal intergroup distances. This phenomenon is probably not related to population density or to the island size, but is rather caused by some other factors to be revealed.
Corporate Author Spasskaya, N.N. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5526
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