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Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
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Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6602
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Author Niederhöfer, S.
Title Stressbelastung bei Pferden in Abhängigkeit des Haltungssystems Type Manuscript
Year 2009 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume (up) Issue Pages
Abstract Pferdegerechte Haltungssysteme spielen bei der heutigen Nutzung des Freizeit- oder Sportpartners Pferd eine wichtige Rolle, da naturnahe Haltungsbedingungen nur in seltenen Fällen zu realisieren sind. Sämtliche Aufstallungsformen müssen als Kompromiss angesehen werden und bieten somit Vor- und Nachteile. Die vorliegende Untersuchung verfolgte den Zweck, die Stressbelastung von Pferden in verschiedenen Haltungssystemen zu erfassen und vergleichend zu beurteilen. Während der von Mai 2006 bis Juli 2007 durchgeführten Versuche wurden 24 zwei- bis dreijährige Hannoveranerstuten für jeweils 4 Wochen in insgesamt 6 verschiedenen Haltungsformen aufgestallt. Die Haltungsvarianten beinhalteten die Einzelbox (Variante 1), die Einzelbox mit einem frei zugänglichem Paddock (Variante 2), die gemeinsame Haltung von zwei Pferden in zwei Boxen und einem angeschlossenen frei zugänglichem Auslauf (Variante 3) und die Gruppenhaltung von 6 Pferden in einer Mehrraumauslaufhaltung (Variante 4 – 6). Die Haltungsvariante 4 differierte von den Varianten 5 und 6 durch seinen ungegliederten Liegebereich. In den Variante 5 und 6 wurde der Liegebereich der Gruppenhaltung durch eine über die halbe Breite reichende Trennwand in zwei Bereiche unterteilt. Die Trennwand befand sich in Haltungsvariante 5 im rechten Winkel an die Außenwand grenzend, während sie in Variante 6 an der der Stallgasse zugewandten Seite des Liegebereichs aufgestellt wurde. Um eine Vergleichbarkeit mit einem Reitpferd zu schaffen, wurden alle Pferde in allen Haltungssystemen täglich für circa eine Stunde in einer Freilaufanlage bewegt. Die Stressbelastung wurde mittels der Messung der Herzfrequenzvariabilität (Parameter pNN50 und SD1) und der Bestimmung fäkaler Cortisolmetaboliten erfasst. Zusätzlich wurden Videoauswertungen hinsichtlich der Beobachtung von Verhaltensauffälligkeiten in den Haltungsvarianten 1 und 2 durchgeführt. Die durchschnittlich niedrigste Stressbelastung erfuhren die Pferde durch die Haltungsvarianten 4 (pNN50: 46,32 %, SD1:158,58 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 21,01nmol/kg Kot) und 6 (pNN50: 47,1 %, SD1: 144,62 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 21,01 nmol/kg Kot). Die


Auswertung der pNN50- und Cortisolmetabolitenwerte ergab die größte Stressbelastung der Pferde in den Varianten 1 (pNN50: 42,81 %, SD1: 134,52 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 28,56 nmol/kg Kot) und 3 (pNN50: 42,41 %, SD1: 135,36, Cortisolmetaboliten: 28,60 nmol/kg Kot). Die Auswertung der SD1-Werte zeigte zusätzlich noch eine hohe Stressbelastung der Pferde in der Variante 5 (pNN50: 44,83 %, SD1: 119,24 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 27,18 nmol/kg Kot). Die Haltungsvariante 2 (pNN50: 45,77 %, SD1: 144,25 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 27,59 nmol/kg Kot) beziehungsweise die Varianten 2 und 5 (bei der Betrachtung der pNN50- und der Cortisolmetabolitenwerte) verursachten im Durchschnitt eine mittlere Stressbelastung. Teilweise waren die Unterschiede jedoch zu gering um die Signifikanzgrenze zu überschreiten. Die Betrachtung der einzelnen Pferde und der Pferdegruppen ergab große interindividuelle Unterschiede und deutliche gruppenspezifische Gemeinsamkeiten. Die Position eines Tieres in der Rangordnung hatte in diesen Untersuchungen bei der Betrachtung der Mittelwerte keinen Einfluss auf die Stressbelastung in Abhängigkeit der Haltungsvariante. Vielmehr zeigten sich auch hier deutliche individuelle Unterschiede in der Stressanfälligkeit und den Vorlieben der einzelnen Pferde bezüglich der verschiedenen Haltungssysteme. Die Analyse der Videoaufzeichnungen ergab, dass mehrere Pferde Kreisbewegungen in der Einzelbox ohne Auslauf (Variante 1) zeigten, während in der Variante 2 (Paddockbox) kein Pferd durch Kreisbewegungen auffiel. Andere Verhaltensauffälligkeiten oder gar Verhaltensstörungen wurden nicht beobachtet. Bei der Auswertung der Aufenthaltshäufigkeit und der Aufenthaltesdauer in den 4 Boxenquadranten zeigten sich einige Pferde sehr aktiv, was ein Hinweis auf eventuelle Unruhe oder Nervosität sein kann, während andere Pferde im Vergleich zum Gruppendurchschnitt sehr ruhig wirkten, da sie sich in der Box kaum bewegten und über lange Zeitabschnitte in einem Quadranten standen. Obwohl die Gruppenhaltung für die Mehrzahl der Pferde eine geringere Stressbelastung bedeutete und auch hinsichtlich des Bewegungs- und Sozialverhaltens am artgerechtesten einzustufen ist, sollte für jedes Pferd individuell unter Berücksichtigung seines Alters, seiner Rasse, seines Nutzungsgrades, aber vor allem seines Charakters und seiner Erfahrungen im Sozialverhalten ein passendes großzügig bemessenes Haltungssystem ermittelt werden, um


die durch das Haltungssystem ausgeübte Stressbelastung zu minimieren und das Wohlbefinden der Pferde zu steigern.
Corporate Author Thesis Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Place of Publication Hannover Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6607
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Author Pick, M.; Pick, J.; Rahn, A.; Wolff, N.
Title Artgerechte Haltung von Pferden: Sachverständige Empfehlungen zur Pferdehaltung aus Sicht des Tierschutzes Type Book Whole
Year 2016 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume (up) Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Tredition GmbH Place of Publication Hamburg Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6616
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Author Baragli, P.; Scopa, C.; Maglieri, V.; Palagi, E.
Title If horses had toes: demonstrating mirror self recognition at group level in Equus caballus Type Journal Article
Year 2021 Publication Animal Cognition Abbreviated Journal Anim. Cogn.
Volume (up) Issue Pages
Abstract Mirror self-recognition (MSR), investigated in primates and recently in non-primate species, is considered a measure of self-awareness. Nowadays, the only reliable test for investigating MSR potential skills consists in the untrained response to a visual body mark detected using a reflective surface. Here, we report the first evidence of MSR at group level in horses, by facing the weaknesses of methodology present in a previous pilot study. Fourteen horses were used in a 4-phases mirror test (covered mirror, open mirror, invisible mark, visible colored mark). After engaging in a series of contingency behaviors (looking behind the mirror, peek-a-boo, head and tongue movements), our horses used the mirror surface to guide their movements towards their colored cheeks, thus showing that they can recognize themselves in a mirror. The analysis at the group level, which 'marks' a turning point in the analytical technique of MSR exploration in non-primate species, showed that horses spent a longer time in scratching their faces when marked with the visible mark compared to the non-visible mark. This finding indicates that horses did not see the non-visible mark and that they did not touch their own face guided by the tactile sensation, suggesting the presence of MSR in horses. Although a heated debate on the binary versus gradualist model in the MSR interpretation exists, recent empirical pieces of evidence, including ours, indicate that MSR is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon that appeared once in phylogeny and that a convergent evolution mechanism can be at the basis of its presence in phylogenetically distant taxa.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1435-9456 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Baragli2021 Serial 6631
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Author Bottom, S.H.
Title Age-related changes in taste and gustatory response and feeding behaviour in the stabled horse Type Book Chapter
Year Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume (up) Issue Pages
Abstract There is a paucity of research relating to the anatomy and physiology of gustation and olfaction in the horse. Moreover, whilst an age-related decline in gustation and olfaction has been recorded in humans, no such study has been conducted in the horse. The horse is reliant on gustation and olfaction to make appropriate decisions relating to both short and long term diet selection and thus, any compromise in function, has implications for food intake and potentially welfare. The principal aim of this study was to establish if, and to what extent, taste andgustatory responses are affected by age in the horse. Horses were allocated to the age groups Young (2-5 years), Middle (8-14 years) and Old (16 plus years) for the study of taste (n=18) and to Young (4-6 years), Middle (10-14 years) and Old (16 plus years) for the study of gustation (n=18). Individual taste responses and gustatory responses (taste in the absence of additional olfactory cues) were identified using two-choice preference testing and monadic testing. Statistical analysis was conducted using Minitab 14.0 and behaviour data was analysed using The Observer 5.0 (Noldus, Netherlands). No effect of age on taste response or gustatory response was recorded.
Corporate Author Thesis Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Nottingham Trent University Place of Publication Nottingham, UK Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6636
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Author Jarausch, A.; Harms, V.; Kluth, G.; Reinhardt, I.; Nowak, C.
Title How the west was won: genetic reconstruction of rapid wolf recolonization into Germany's anthropogenic landscapes Type Journal Article
Year 2021 Publication Heredity Abbreviated Journal Heredity
Volume (up) Issue Pages
Abstract Following massive persecution and eradication, strict legal protection facilitated a successful reestablishment of wolf packs in Germany, which has been ongoing since 2000. Here, we describe this recolonization process by mitochondrial DNA control-region sequencing, microsatellite genotyping and sex identification based on 1341 mostly non-invasively collected samples. We reconstructed the genealogy of German wolf packs between 2005 and 2015 to provide information on trends in genetic diversity, dispersal patterns and pack dynamics during the early expansion process. Our results indicate signs of a founder effect at the start of the recolonization. Genetic diversity in German wolves is moderate compared to other European wolf populations. Although dispersal among packs is male-biased in the sense that females are more philopatric, dispersal distances are similar between males and females once only dispersers are accounted for. Breeding with close relatives is regular and none of the six male wolves originating from the Italian/Alpine population reproduced. However, moderate genetic diversity and inbreeding levels of the recolonizing population are preserved by high sociality, dispersal among packs and several immigration events. Our results demonstrate an ongoing, rapid and natural wolf population expansion in an intensively used cultural landscape in Central Europe.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1365-2540 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Jarausch2021 Serial 6638
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Author Wolter, R.
Title The behaviour and managementof Przewalski’shorsesin semi-reserves Type Manuscript
Year 2018 Publication Phd thesis Abbreviated Journal
Volume (up) Issue Pages
Abstract In recent years, Przewalski’s horses have been increasingly kept in semi-reserves. However,there areonly few studies ontheir behaviour and their ability to adaptto management interventions.In the main part of my dissertation, I focus on investigatingthe animals’ behaviour in different semi-reserves with varyinghabitats and living spaces. In addition, I investigate the horses’ behaviour during various management interventionsand analysetheensuing changes instress levels. Another aspect of my dissertation is the studyof social behaviour inPrzewalski’s horses. I investigate theparameters that should be used to demonstrate social bonds between individualsandassess whichdata provide the most meaningful results.In the commentary tochapter 1,several studies investigatingsocial bonds in horsesare discussed. Comparing the various studies, it is strikingthat no homogeneous analyses orevaluation criteria exist. While some authors only considersocial grooming, others include data onthe spatial proximity of the individuals in their evaluations, and various definitionsof proximity can also be found in the literature. Additionally, someauthors use friendly approaches between individuals asa furtherparameter wheninvestigating the social bonds.Continuing with this theme, in chapter 2I investigate the social behaviour of the horses and compare various analysis methods. I show that proactive behaviour, such as friendly approaches, is a good alternative to spatial proximity when investigating social bonds between group members, andis also useful for expanding the often very small data sets of mutual grooming in horses. Comparing Przewalski’s horses with wild living horses, I found no significant differences in the social behavior and the frequency of social interactions, regardlessof group size, group composition, habitat, and individual parameters such as age and gender.Inchapter 3,I investigate the behaviour of a Przewalski’s horse group when exploring a new area of their enclosure. Their behaviour changed, showing less resting and more feeding. Furthermore, the animals maintained greater distances from each other, and the alpha male, instead of herding the group from behind, led the group around the new area and walked in front of the other group members. Moreover, he showed a substantial increase in stress level during the first day.A general comparison of the behaviour of the Przewalski’s horses in different semi-reserves is provided in chapter 4. In it, the habitat choice of the animals and their reactions to various management interventions are investigated. It is shown that Przewalski’s horses prefer open grassland to dense woods, although keeping Przewalski’s horses in a pine forest does not influence the animals’ stress level. In contrast to habitat, food range, and changes in the group composition, which do not appear to change stress levels, individual factors, such as the hierarchy, influence the glucocorticoid level of the animals significantly. The largest increases in stress hormones were demonstrated when the horses were temporarily confined in smaller areas.The importance of the available space is also discussed in chapter 5, where it is shown that horses show less aggressive behaviour when more space is provided. In contrast, the husbandry system does not influence the animals’ aggression, but the way of feeding can additionally reduce agonistic behaviour, for example if food is offered ad libitum.In summary, the results of this study provide indications for the optimization of keeping Przewalski’s horses in semi-reserves. The animals can adapt themselves to the environment and thrive in habitats which do not correspond to their original steppe-like home. Nevertheless, the semi-reserves should provide sufficient grassland, as the horses prefer this type of habitat. General speaking, any types of habitat can only offer a suitable living space if the food range is sufficient for the number of horses. Otherwise, and especially during could winter months, supplementary feeding is necessary according to the body condition of the animals. This is particularly important for older, weakened, or very young animals, which are still adapting to life in the semi-reserve. Without sufficient food, stress hormones can increase and negatively influence the well-being of the horses. The same is true for management interventions: restricting the animals to small enclosures, for example, can adversely affect the horses’ well-being and should be only done if absolutely necessary. Targetedbehaviour observations allow the animals that have a special meaning for the group to be identified, and these should not be taken out of the group unless it is unavoidable, as young and unexperienced horses orientate themselves on those animals. This is especially true for the alpha male in a bachelor group, as these groups are often composed of young horses and the alpha-male provides the necessary stability and experience. Social bonds between individuals can be investigated by observing friendly and proactive behaviour, and social grooming and friendly approaches yield suitable data for such analysis.
Corporate Author Thesis Ph.D. thesis
Publisher University Regensburg Place of Publication Regensburg Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6639
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Author Haidn, B.; Berger, N
Title Arbeitszeitbedarf für die Pensionspferdehaltung in landwirt-schaftlichen Betrieben Type Journal Article
Year 2003 Publication Tagungsband 6, Vechta 25.-27. März 2003 Abbreviated Journal
Volume (up) Tagung: Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtsch Issue Pages 386 -391
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher KTBL-Schriften Place of Publication Münster-Hiltrup Editor KTBL
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6640
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Author Boyce, P.N.; McLoughlin, P.D.
Title Ecological Interactions Involving Feral Horses and Predators: Review with Implications for Biodiversity Conservation Type Journal Article
Year 2021 Publication The Journal of Wildlife Management Abbreviated Journal Jour. Wild. Mgmt.
Volume (up) n/a Issue n/a Pages
Keywords apparent competition; artificial selection; community ecology; conservation; feral horse (Equus ferus caballus); life history; predator-prey dynamics
Abstract ABSTRACT For many ecosystems, feral horses are increasingly becoming an important if not dominant component of ungulate biomass and hence influence on community dynamics. Yet we still know little of how horses contribute to key ecological interactions including predator-prey and indirect competitive relationships at a community level. Notably, feral species like horses can exhibit life-history traits that differ from that of native (mainly artiodactyl) herbivore competitors. Artificial selection for traits like increased, early, or extended reproduction that have yet to be reversed by natural selection, coupled with naturally selected differences in anatomy and behavior, in addition to unique management objectives for horses compared to other species, means that the dynamics of feral horse populations are not likely to align with what might be expected of other large herbivores. Unexpected population dynamics and inherent biological asymmetries between native ungulates and feral horses may therefore influence the former via direct competition for shared resources and through enemy-mediated interactions like apparent competition. In several localities feral horses now co-exist with multiple native prey species, some of which are in decline or are species at risk. Compounding risks to native species from direct or indirect competitive exclusion by horses is the unique nature and socio-political context of feral horse management, which tends towards allowing horse populations to be limited largely by natural, density-dependent factors. We summarize the inherent asymmetries between feral horse biology and that of other ungulate prey species with consequences for conservation, focusing on predator-prey and emerging indirect interactions in multi-prey systems, and highlight future directions to address key knowledge gaps in our understanding of how feral horses may now be contributing to the (re)structuring of food webs. Observations of patterns of rapid growth and decline, and associated skews in sex ratios of feral horse populations, indicate a heightened potential for indirect interactions among large ungulate prey species, where there is a prevalence of feral horses as preferred prey, particularly where native prey are declining. In places like western North America, we expect predator-prey interactions involving feral horses to become an increasingly important factor in the conservation of wildlife. This applies not only to economically or culturally important game species but also at-risk species, both predators (e.g., wolves [Canis lupus], grizzly bears [Ursus arctos]) and prey (e.g., woodland caribou [Rangifer tarandus caribou]), necessitating an ecological understanding of the role of horses in natural environments that goes beyond that of population control. ? 2021 The Wildlife Society.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0022-541x ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.21995 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6642
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Author Marinsek, N.L.; Gazzaniga, M.S.; Miller, M.B.
Title Chapter 17 – Split-Brain, Split-Mind Type Book Chapter
Year 2016 Publication The Neurology of Conciousness (Second Edition) Abbreviated Journal
Volume (up) Issue Pages 271-279
Keywords Split-brain; consciousness; lateralization; modular; left hemisphere interpreter
Abstract The corpus callosum anatomically and functionally connects the two cerebral hemispheres. Despite its important role in interhemispheric communication however, severing the corpus callosum produces few--if any--noticeable cognitive or behavioral abnormalities. Incredibly, split-brain patients do not report any drastic changes in their conscious experience even though nearly all interhemispheric communication ceases after surgery. Extensive research has shown that both hemispheres remain conscious following disconnection and the conscious experience of each hemisphere is private and independent of the other. Additionally, the conscious experiences of the hemispheres appear to be qualitatively different, such that the consciousness of the left hemisphere is more enriched than the right. In this chapter, we offer explanations as to why split-brain patients feel unified despite possessing dual conscious experiences and discuss how the divided consciousness of split-brain patients can inform current theories of consciousness.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Academic Press Place of Publication San Diego Editor Laureys, S.; Gosseries, O.; Tononi, G.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN ISBN 978-0-12-800948-2 Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6648
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